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  • Writer's pictureCollins k.k Boateng

History Of Osu Castle

Updated: Sep 3

I’m a history enthusiast. Do you love history too? Sometimes it is good to explore places of attraction with rich history and culture.

I have visited several historical places in Ghana, especially in Accra and I have learned a lot about the history of Ghana stemming from the time of slavery until independence and after.

In Elmina Castle, I learned that Ghana was the first African country to gain independence in Africa.

Ghana gained independence in the same year as South Korea.

Today, I will take us through another significant historical site I just visited.

Osu Castle, also called Fort Christianborg is a must-visit site that everyone needs to visit.

It has hidden information that can only be known upon visit and I tell you, it will excite you to know them.

Do you want to know the location, contact details, and things to pack along to this hidden gem? Then continue reading.

Article Focus

  • Osu Castle History

  • Osu Castle Location And Contact Details

  • What Is The Best Time To Visit The Osu Castle?

  • Osu Castle Entrance Fee

  • Things To Pack Along To The Osu Castle

  • Osu Castle Things To Do

  • Osu Castle Nearby Landmarks

  • Which Days Is The Castle Opened?

  • Who Are The People Of Osu?

  • Frequently Asked Questions

  • Conclusion

Osu Castle History

The Osu Castle

Perched on the coast of Accra, Ghana is the imposing Osu Castle, which is a testament to the region’s tumultuous past.

This 17th-century fortress has witnessed the rise and fall of empires, the transatlantic slave trade, and the birth of a nation.

The Osu Castle also known as Fort Christianborg, was constructed by the Danish in 1659 as a trading post and a slave fort.

The Osu Castle changed hands so many times, with the Portuguese, Dutch, and British all leaving their mark.

However, under British rule, it became the seat of government and in 1957, Ghana’s independence was declared within its walls.

Osu Castle Location And Contact Details

The Osu Castle is located in Osu, Accra, Ghana on the coast of the Gulf of Guinea.

You can contact the management of the castle on 0302221633. You can email them at

What Is The Best Time To Visit The Osu Castle?

You can visit the Osu Castle on any day. However, the most appropriate time to visit is during the dry season which runs from October to March.

During this time the rain might not interfere with your activities.

Osu Castle Entrance Fee

The entrance fee is used to manage the castle so that it can always stand as a poignant landmark to the rich history of Ghana.

The entrance fee is GHS 20 for Ghanaians and GHS 40 for foreigners.

Things To Pack Along To The Osu Castle

You need to pack along to the castle, the most appropriate things that will make your tour memorable. You should pack along items such as:

  • Decent clothing

  • Comfortable walking shoes

  • Sunscreen and a hat or cap

  • Water and snacks

  • Camera and charger

  • Insect repellent

Osu Castle Things To Do

When you visit this castle, there are several activities that you can enjoy and as well learn from. They include:

  • Guided tours of the castle and its museums

  • Explore the slave dungeons and the Palava Hall

  • Visit the on-site museum and learn about Ghana’s history

  • Take in the stunning ocean views from the ramparts

  • Attend cultural events and reenactment

Osu Castle Nearby Landmarks

Osu Castle Nearby Landmarks

The Osu Castle is not the only attraction in the area so you can visit several other popular tourist attractions of equal essence with the Osu Castle. They include

  • The Independence Square

  • Kwame Nkrumah Memoria Park

  • Jamestown Lighthouse

  • National Museum of Ghana

  • Bojo Beach Resort

  • Kokrobite Beach

  • Labadi Beach and more

Which Days Is The Castle Opened?

You can visit the castle on any day from 8:00 Am to 9: 00 PM.

Who Are The People Of Osu?

Meet the People of Osu: Uncovering Their Roots

Have you ever wondered who the people of Osu are? Well, let's dive into their story.

The Osu community is a vibrant part of the Ga ethnic group, which has a rich history in the Greater Accra Region of Ghana.

They have a unique cultural identity shaped by their traditions, customs, and experiences.

By exploring their heritage, we can gain a deeper appreciation for the diversity and complexity of Ghanaian society.

Frequently Asked Questions

 Which European country first came to the Gold Coast?

The Portuguese were the first European country to come to the Gold Coast to trade in the 14th century.

The system of trade they introduced was called “Barter Trade” which was the exchange of goods for goods.


The Osu Castle is one of the tourist attractions in Accra that stands as a touching reminder of the past.

It is a symbol of resilience and a testament to the strength of the Ghanaian people.

Try as much as possible to visit this incredible historical site and immerse yourself in the rich history and culture of West Africa.

I got a lot from the castle when I visited. I got to know of the dungeons, and the tour guide did very well to let me know the hidden passageways and secret rooms of the castle. Seeing is believing just try a visit. See you there soon.

Insider Tips

You need to ask your guide about the castle’s secret passageways and hidden rooms.

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