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  • Writer's pictureCollins k.k Boateng

Home Remedies For Menstrual Cramps (Dysmenorrhea)

Updated: Jun 12

It is natural for every woman to menstruate and experience slight abdominal pain, especially at the onset.

It becomes a problem when the pain becomes unbearable and excruciating especially during and after the period.

Are you aware of the causes of menstrual cramps, treatment, prevention, and symptoms?

Do you know that there are home remedies that can help you relieve yourself of menstrual cramps? Keep reading.

Dysmenorrhea which is popularly known as menstrual cramps is one common pain or discomfort that is experienced by most women during their menstrual cycle, sometimes before and during.

Though the cramps can differ in duration and intensity, if you abreast yourself with the causes, symptoms, and available home remedies, you will be able to put this monthly inconvenience or discomfort under control or even eradicate it.

Read this article to get an in-depth understanding of menstrual cramps(dysmenorrhea), the causes, symptoms, prevention, treatment, and available home remedies that can help put the mental pain under control.

Without much ado, let us delve into the details of the focus of the article stated above so that those anticipating can put them into practice.

Understanding All About Menstrual Cramps( Dysmenorrhea)

Menstrual Cramps(Dysmenorrhea)

Menstrual cramps also known as dysmenorrhea is the discomfort and pain that are associated with menstruation experienced by most women.

To some women, menstrual pain can be very unbearable and that affects their day-to-day activities every month during their period.

Knowing the causes and working on them tend to reduce the pain.

The discomfort or pain varies in terms of intensity and duration.

The pain or discomfort also lessens or increases based on some lifestyles of the individuals.

These cramps usually occur in the lower abdomen but can extend to the thighs and lower back.

Dysmenorrhea is a result of the contraction of the uterus which is prompted by the release of the hormone-like substance that causes inflammation and pain, prostaglandins.

Menstrual cramps can be managed with several home remedies, healthy lifestyles, and medical treatments.

Let us delve into the first point of focus which is the causes. Knowing the causes and working on them can contribute immensely to reducing or even eradicating the pains associated with menstrual pain popularly called menstrual cramps.

Causes Of Menstrual Cramps(Dysmenorrhea)

Treating or working on the cause of the menstrual cramps is a key factor in reducing its intensity or even getting rid of it.

A lady once told me that it is normal to experience menstrual cramps no matter the intensity and I was surprised at it because who on earth will take pains to be normal?

Her problem was she kept on repeating the very lifestyles that bring about the pains during menstruation.

After inquiring about her lifestyle I realized that ever since she started experiencing menstruation she has never lived healthily. She eats anyhow, drinks, no serious exercise.

She continued to live just like how she was before experiencing menstruation. Now let us delve into the causes of menstrual cramps(dysmenorrhea)

Hormonal Imbalance

Menstruation is linked to hormones, particularly progesterone and estrogen.

The fluctuations in the levels of these hormones can greatly affect how severe the menstrual cramps can be and as well affect the duration at which it lasts throughout and after the period.

Health Conditions

When you are suffering from underlying conditions like fibroids, pelvic inflammatory disease, adenomyosis or endometriosis can make menstrual cramps(dysmenorrhea) worsen.

Cervical Stenosis

Narrowing of the cervix can greatly impede the flow of menstrual blood hence resulting in increased pressure and pain.

Unhealthy Lifestyle

Too much stress, unhealthy eating thus, excessive intake of sugary foods, and oily foods, late-night dieting, not taking enough water, not sleeping enough, and more can greatly impact pains during menstruation.

You need to eat right, exercise more, eat fruits and vegetables, and have enough sleep a week before the menstruation begins.

This is a tested and confirmed way of reducing the intensity of menstrual cramps and when it becomes a habit, this lifestyle will take the pains automatically.

Symptoms Of Menstrual Cramps

Symptoms of menstrual cramps

How will I know I know the pains I’m experiencing is menstrual cramps?

If you do not know the symptoms of menstrual cramps, here we go.

These symptoms are experienced by women before, during, or after menstruation.

  • You will experience pain in the lower abdomen which is a primary symptom that often radiates to the lower back and thighs.

  • The intensity of the cramps can range from mild discomfort to severity and devastating pain

  • Usually the cramps start before or at the onset of menstruation and can last for several days and even sometimes a day or two after menstruation.

  • You might feel nauseating and have headaches, diarrhea, fatigue, and sometimes stress.

Treatments And Management Of Menstrual Cramps(Dysmenorrhea)

This treatment can be home remedies or techniques that tend to reduce the intensity of the pains and then also they can be assistance from pharmacies or over-the-counter medications. Here we go:

For instance when my woman is close and for one or two reasons she can’t stick to her menstrual routines and she starts experiencing cramps, I apply the heat therapy method to help relieve her of the pain for a while.

I use a warm towel to massage her abdominal region to help relax the muscles which helps alleviate the pain.

You can also do the same because most people I teach practice and it works.

Regular Exercise

You see treating menstrual cramps is not any daunting task.

Just simple moderate exercise involving physical activities like yoga, skipping, walking, jogging, and more helps improve blood flow and reduce the intensity of menstrual cramps or pain.

Over-The-Counter Medications

NSAIDs( Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory) drugs like naproxen sodium or ibuprofen can help reduce inflammation and relieve cramping discomfort.

Proper Dieting

Dieting also contributes greatly to menstrual cramps. If you eat well, you are sure to reduce cramping.

When you avoid alcohol, caffeine, and high-sodium foods, it can reduce bloating and retention of water which will help alleviate cramps.

Proper Hydration

Water is a good reliever of pain. When you drink enough water it helps to maintain hydration which can ease muscle contraction that is associated with menstrual cramps.

Practicing The Relaxation Techniques

Relaxation techniques or methods such as meditation, and breathing, can help reduce stress and promote relaxation which might help get rid of menstrual cramps or pain.

Practicing the above methods of treating and managing period cramps regularly especially a week before the period can greatly help to get rid of menstrual cramps or reduce the intensity and duration.

Who Is At The Risk Of Menstrual Cramps(Dysmenorrhea)

Surely, it is females who are at the risk of menstrual cramps. Females who are at risk of menstrual cramps are:

  • Women who started puberty very early especially at age 11 or even younger

  • Women who are below age thirty(30)

  • Women who smoke or consume caffeine

  • Women with unhealthy lifestyles such as no exercise and unhealthy dieting

  • Women with metrorrhagia (irregular menstrual bleeding)

  • Women who bleed excessively during their periods

Simple Home Remedy For Menstrual Cramps(Dysmenorrhea)

Available home remedies are perfect for alleviating menstrual cramps.

The one to be discussed is tested and approved by several women in Ghana.

I assure you 100% that when you practice this your menstrual cramps(dysmenorrhea) will be history.

Herbs like cinnamon, ginger, papaya leaf, neem leaf, garlic, and more possess anti-inflammatory properties that can be consumed in several forms like supplements or tea just to ease menstrual pain.


  • Pawpaw leaf

  • Ginger


  1. Wash the pawpaw leaves and ginger very well

  2. Boil the papaya leaves with ginger for 10 minutes.

  3. Now allow it to cool and sieve it.


You should take a glass cup daily for six consecutive days a week before or on the onset of the menstruation and experience the magic.

When Can I Seek Medical Attention When Experiencing Menstrual Cramps(Dysmenorrhea)?

You should seek medical attention or consult a health professional when the menstrual cramps become so severe and unbearable that they refuse to go.

Sometimes there is more to it than just the cramps. The healthcare provider will offer professional assistance to manage or even treat it for you.

What Is The Best Medicine For Menstrual Cramps?

The best medicine for this is ibuprofen or naproxen sodium.

Exercising regularly and eating lots of fruits and vegetables coupled with adequate hydration are also better for alleviating menstrual cramps.

Can I Make My Menstrual Flow End Faster?

Yes, you can let your period end faster than it should in any of the following ways:

  • By taking hormonal birth control like hormonal contraceptives

  • By consuming Tranexamic acid

  • By taking anti-inflammation medications

Can Sex Help Reduce Menstrual Cramps(Dysmenorrhea)?

Sex is a physical activity that helps blood to flow evenly in the body.

Some women get relief from their menstrual cramps after engaging in sex during their period.

Why Do I Sometimes Experience Worse Menstrual Cramps In Some Months?

You may experience worse menstrual cramps in some months due to fluctuation of hormonal (progesterone and testosterone) levels.

How Can I Sleep When I’m Experiencing Menstrual Cramps(dysmenorrhea)

If you are finding it difficult to sleep in while experiencing pain during your periods, you should lie on your back or sideways with a pillow in between your legs. These help reduce abdominal and back pain.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the complications of Menstrual cramps(dysmenorrhea)

With menstrual cramps(dysmenorrhea), they do not cause any other medical complications.

However, they are capable of interfering with daily routines like work, school, and social activities like church and others.


Menstrual cramps(dysmenorrhea) are very common, especially in the part of the world where we find ourselves.

Most of the foods we eat are not organic and therefore affect womanhood, especially their menstrual cycle.

All hope is not not gone. You can manage menstrual cramps by checking your lifestyle and practicing the home remedies discussed above.

Knowing the symptoms, practicing effective home remedies, and working at the causes, it is possible to take away menstrual cramps to ensure women's overall well-being during menstruation.

If you experience more severe or persistent menstrual pains or cramps, you need to seek a healthcare personnel’s assistance for further evaluation and management.

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