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  • Writer's pictureCollins k.k Boateng

Understanding High Blood Pressure (Hypertension): Causes, Symptoms, Prevention And Natural Remedies

Do you know the number one cause of kidney problems? What of blurred vision and sudden death?

Do you usually palpitate profusely after performing a simple physical task like sweeping with a short broom?

When was the last time you checked your blood pressure (BP)?

Do you know the boss of all the silent killers? Continue reading to find out.

High blood pressure or hypertension as it is popularly called, is a silent killer that affects millions of people worldwide.

High blood pressure is a leading cause of cardiovascular disease, such as stroke, and kidney diseases.

Despite its prevalence, hypertension remains shrouded in mystery, with many unaware or ignorant of its causes, symptoms, and prevention strategies.

This article will delve into hypertension, exploring its intricacies and providing actionable tips for management and prevention.

We will also offer some natural remedies and address some frequently asked questions. Without wasting much time, here we go:

What Is High Blood Pressure (Hypertension)

Hypertension, also called high blood pressure is a condition where the force of blood against the walls of blood vessels is consistently too high.

It occurs when the blood pressure exceeds 140/90 mmHg, hence causing blood vessels to constrict and the workload on the heart to increase.

This situation leads to damage in blood vessels, organs, and tissues, setting the stage for severe health consequences.

A lot of people are having hypertension without knowing what caused it.

That is why you are fortunate to read this article. Read below to understand the causes of high blood pressure.

Causes Of High Blood Pressure (Hypertension)

Knowing the causes of high blood pressure is 70% living without it when you duly abstain from the cause.

Why do I have high blood pressure? Sometimes it runs in families (genetics), other times, it can be caused by:

Lifestyle Factors

Your way of living can also trigger the presence of high blood pressure.

Below are some lifestyles that cause your blood pressure to be very high putting pressure on your heart.

  • Physical inactivity

  • Poor dieting (high sodium, low potassium)

  • Excessive alcohol consumption

  • smoking

Medical Conditions

Some medical conditions also contribute to increased blood pressure. Here are some medical conditions that bring about high blood pressure (hypertension)

  • Sleep apnea

  • Kidney disease

  • Diabetes

  • Obesity


Certain medications also contribute to an increase in blood pressure. These medications include:

  • Birth control pills

  • Cold medicines

  • Pain relievers

What indicates that I have high blood pressure? Certain indications prompt a person that he or she has a higher increase in blood pressure. Read below to know the

symptoms of high blood pressure.

Symptoms Of High Blood Pressure (Hypertension)

Hypertension or high blood pressure shows no symptoms, hence earning the nickname “silent killer’’. However, some may experience:

  • Headaches especially on one side

  • Dizziness

  • Chest pain

  • Fatigue

  • Vision changes

  • Nosebleeds

Prevention And Management Of High Blood Pressure (Hypertension)

Can hypertension be prevented? Yes, you can prevent or avoid hypertension since we now know the causes. Below are some sure ways to prevent hypertension:

  • You should regularly monitor blood pressure through checkups and home monitoring

  • Have a healthy lifestyle by exercising regularly both aerobic and strength training, eating a balanced diet like fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, limiting sodium, alcohol, and caffeine intake, and quitting smoking.

  • Stress Management through Yoga, meditation, and deep breathing

  • Taking medications like diuretics, beta-blockers, ACE inhibitors (consult a doctor)

  • Weight management by maintaining a healthy BMI

So if I do not manage or treat my hypertension what will be the complications? Read below

Complications Of Unmanaged Hypertension

Several complications may result due to unmanaged high blood pressure.

You need to take actionable tips in managing hypertension.

Below are some complications that will result from unmanaged high blood pressure.

  • Heart attack

  • Stroke

  • Kidney disease

  • Vision loss

  • Peripheral artery disease

Stages Of High Blood Pressure (Hypertension)

The stages of hypertension, popularly called high blood pressure are put into 4 main stages. The stages are:

Stage 1: Normal Blood Pressure

Normal blood pressure has the systolic (top number) to be less than 120 mmHg and diastolic pressure (bottom number) to be less than 80 mmHg.

Stage 2: Elevated Blood Pressure

Elevated Blood Pressure has the systolic pressure to range from 120 mmHg to 129 mmHg and diastolic pressure to be less than 80 mmHg.

Stage 3: Stage 1 Hypertension

This stage of hypertension has systolic pressure ranging from 130 to 139 mmHg and diastolic pressure ranging from 80-89 mmHg.

Stage 4: Stage 2 Hypertension

This stage of hypertension has its systolic pressure to be 140 mmHg or higher with diastolic pressure being 90 mmHg or higher.

Additional Categories Of Hypertension

  • Hypertensive Crisis: At this stage blood pressure exceeds 180/120 mmHg, requiring immediate medical attention.

  • Resistant Hypertension: At this stage, blood pressure remains high despite treatment with three or more medications.

  • Malignant Hypertension: This is a severely high blood pressure with organ damage requiring urgent medical attention

Note: These stages are based on the American Heart Association’s guidelines and may vary slightly depending on individual circumstances.

You need to consult a healthcare professional for personalized guidance.

Chemical Drugs For Treatment Of High Blood Pressure (Hypertension)

The chemical drugs below can help in the management and treatment of hypertension:

  • Hydrochlorothiazide (HCTZ)

  • Furosemide (Lasix)

  • Lopressor Atenolol

  • Lisinopril

  • Captopril

  • Cozaar

  • Diovan

Natural Remedy For High Blood Pressure

This natural remedy can help bring your blood pressure to normal. Follow the guide below:


  • Aidan fruits

  • Ginger

  • Cloves

  • Garlic


  1. Wash all the ingredients and cut the Aidan fruits into 3 pieces.

  2. Crush the ginger and garlic and put them into your metal pot.

  3. Add the cut Aidan fruits and cloves also into the pot and fill with water

  4. Boil it for about 15 to 20 minutes and take it from the fire

  5. Allow it to cool with its lid


Take a full tot of glass first thing in the morning before breakfast, a tot in the afternoon before meal, and a tot in the evening last thing before bedtime. Go and check after two weeks and come and testify.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does sex and ethnicity put one at a high risk of high blood pressure?

Yes, men are more likely to develop hypertension than women until age 64. Also, African Americans, Hispanics, and Asians are more likely to develop hypertension.


High blood pressure is the constriction of the blood vessels as a result of blood pressure exceeding 140/90 mmHg.

This condition is preventable and can be cured when gotten.

Hypertension is a formidable foe, but awareness and proactive measures can help prevent and manage this condition.

By understanding its causes, symptoms, and prevention strategies, you can take control of your blood pressure and safeguard your health.

You should note that a healthy lifestyle and regular monitoring are key to keeping hypertension at bay.

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