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  • Writer's pictureCollins k.k Boateng

Top 5 Healthy Green Flags To Look For When You're Dating: Signs That You Have Found A Keeper

The pain of losing the right person for the wrong one. The inability to figure out whether to continue or put a halt.

How do I know I must invest in my relationship or have a second thought?

‘Had I known’ some say it’s a philosophy of a fool. Others say it's always at last.

Whatever it is, you need not to fall into the net of this phrase.

This article will take you through the top green flags you need to know while dating which will encourage you to invest in your partner.

The relationship is full of ups and downs. There is no hundred percent or a perfect relationship but there are signs that can be indicators to whether you should continue or put a halt to the relationship.

Most people become negligent of these signs and in the long run, lose their potential partners for the wrong ones.

In most cases, those partners who are not real tend to exhibit the right characteristics at the start of the relationship.

So most people get entrapped and in no time get frustrated and stressed in the relationship.

I’m very privileged to write this article to give an education to people who are in this situation or those who are at the near end of entering a new relationship.

I hate to see people crying to quit a relationship they initially loved to maintain for eternity. Do nothing more. Just read this article to the end and thank me later.

Read this article to discover the top healthy green flags in a dating relationship. You will get to know whether your partner is a keeper or a player that you need to entertain or not. Here we go.

What are Green Flags In A Relationship?

I choose to term Relationship Green Flags as the ‘’ Go Ahead Prompts’’.

Green flags are the positive indicators in a relationship that signify that you are compatible with your partner and that there is a higher probability of a potential long-term relationship success.

It tells you that your partner is a keeper and therefore you need to consider investing emotions and resources to nurture the relationship for long-term success.

Green flags give the assurance that, hey, you are on the very right track and your relationship is on a solid ground of mutual respect, understanding, and trust.

However, some signs also tell that there are potential issues that might cause a breakdown of your relationship and these signs are also called ‘’Relationship Red Flags’’.

Now let us delve into our main focus which is ‘the top 5 relationship green flags’’. Here we go:

The Top 5 Relationship Green Flags

Healthy Green Flags To Look For When You're Dating

As we know dating can be a very thrilling journey filled with ecstatic moments and endless possibilities, you need to have an eagle eye on red flags which may be a sign of future issues or concerns.

However, what about the flip side? What are the ‘’Go Ahead Prompts’’ (Green Flags) or the positive signs that tell you that you are onto something special?

I have done thorough research about the green flags in a relationship and picked out the top 5 that are sure signs that your partner is real and a keeper and not a player. Below are the green flags:

When Your Partner Engages In Genuine Communication With You

How do you feel when your partner doesn’t give in when you bring out a conversation? How painful it is when you have pressing issues that you need to discuss with them yet they do not offer an iota of energy.

A partner who is ever ready to cross legs with you to have honest and open communication with you is a blessing. Tell me.

How do you feel when your partner happily and readily contributes to a conversation? It’s like having an encounter with an angel.

Imagine sitting across from your partner, captivated by a communication that flows effortlessly like a river at its peak.

One of the top and first green flags in dating is genuine communication.

It signifies that your partner respects your opinions, and ideas, and listens attentively to you no matter their state of mind.

They do not become dormant in a conversation but contribute constructively during conversation.

They can share their thoughts and dreams and even to the point of sharing their vulnerabilities.

Do not let such people fall from your fingertips because they are rare.

When He Or She Respects Your Boundaries

 Have you set boundaries but your partner doesn’t give a damn about them?

Are you often bruised in the heart because your partner does not respect your boundaries? Forget them. They are not right for you.

In every healthy relationship, the invisible fences that define your personal space and comfort zones which we usually term as boundaries, must be respected.

Oftentimes, we do not pay attention to these boundaries. You need to pay attention to how your partner values and respects your boundaries, like how they offer you space when you need it, how they seek your consent before they make a move, and how they honour your preferences.

When a partner respects your boundaries, it’s a sure sign that they are empathetic, considerate, and have a genuine desire to make you feel comfortable.

This sign of a partner is a sure green flag and you need to grasp them very well.

When There Are Shared Values And Goals

Normally people say that poles repel while unlike poles attract.

However, when it comes to long-term compatibility, what bonds or attracts is shared values and goals.

You need to seek alignment in your core beliefs, priorities, and aspirations.

Check if you both prioritize compassion, kindness, and integrity. Do your life goals sync or complement?

When you are privileged to get a partner who shares your values and supports your vision do not let them down. It’s a top green flag for you to continue with such a person.

When There Is Emotional Intelligence

 Is your partner easily reacting to every simple thing around them with so many emotions and sometimes going overboard?

Emotional intelligence is a secret spice that adds depth to any relationship.

It’s the ability to understand and be in control of your own emotions and as well empathize with the feelings of the people around you.

You need to be aware of the emotional intelligence of your partner to find out whether they can communicate their emotions well or they are empathetic.

You must know how they handle conflicts. Do they handle conflict with maturity, or do they rather end up escalating everything?

A partner with emotional intelligence is worth keeping for long-term success. When you get one do not let them go.

When Your Partner Offers Encouragement And Support

Last of the top green flags but not the least is the partner who is capable of encouraging and supporting you in every endeavour.

A supportive partner always cheers you from the side-lines and encourages you when you are down.

A supportive partner serves as a wall that you can lean on in times when you are down or when you need a push up.

If your partner celebrates you, stands by you, and accepts your flaws, my dear do not let them go.

What are the differences between Red Flags and Green Flags?

Red flags are signs that indicate danger ahead in a relationship while Green flags are indicators of potential long-term success in the relationship.

The table below gives clear differences between the relationship between Green flags and Red flags.


Green Flags

Red Flags


Positive signs or behaviors indicating a healthy relationship

Warning signs or behaviors indicating potential issues


Reassurance of a strong foundation and compatibility

Caution and evaluation for potential problems or conflicts


Encouraging, supportive, and uplifting

Potentially harmful, detrimental, or concerning


Effective communication, respect for boundaries, shared values

Lack of communication, disrespect for boundaries, dishonesty


Encourages growth, trust, and mutual understanding

Erodes trust, fosters conflict, and undermines well-being

Frequently Asked Questions

Can a partner exhibiting a green flag change to exhibi red flags on the relationship journey?

Yes, situations sometimes change people and your attitude can make a potential partner change towards you but not change totally with everyone. Continue respecting your partner, value their opinions, and respect their boundaries.


Every relationship has its odds. No partner is perfect. However, that does not mean you should not keep an eye on the red and green flags.

If you do not look for the green flags stated in this article in your partner, you might lose a partner who has the potential for long-term success.

You need to look out for emotional intelligence, how they engage in communication with you, and whether they value your ideas and opinions or respect your set boundaries.

If they exhibit any of these, please don’t let them go, they are keepers and not players. I wish you a successful relationship.

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