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  • Writer's pictureCollins k.k Boateng

The One I Love EP 5

After three months, Aku started feeling unusual. She pukes in the morning, sleeps a lot, feels fatigued, and sometimes fever.

“What’s happening to me? I need to visit the hospital for a checkup.” Aku murmured to herself.

Pregnancy Confirmation

Aku confirmed she was pregnant after 3 months

The next Saturday, Aku went to the Rock Hospital where a friend of hers worked as a lab technician.

She went through a series of tests such as malaria and several others but all proved negative.

“When last did you have unprotected sex?” The specialist asked.

“Can’t recall but it's about 3 months ago.” She replied.

The specialist carried out a pregnancy test on her and it came out positive. Aku became very worried realizing that she was pregnant.

“How do I convey this information to Mike. How will he take this? Because I have not known any man in my life except him”. Aku contemplated.

Finally, Aku gathered the courage to inform Mike about the pregnancy.

Mike upon hearing the news was very happy and sad at the same time.

He was happy because his mission to pay back Collins was successful.

He was sad because he had meted punishment meant for a father to an innocent soul.

On a thought he wanted to deny the pregnancy as revenge to the father but on the other hand, he had developed mutual feelings for the innocent girl, Aku.


Mike's Deep Love For Aku

Despite his initial intentions, Mike found himself falling for Aku, accepted the pregnancy and they began a genuine relationship.

As their bond grew stronger, Mike's desire for revenge faded. He realized that hurting Collins' family wouldn't bring him peace.

However, he repented from hurting Collins’ family and therefore took responsibility for Aku’s pregnancy.

Mike confessed his past to Aku and Collins, expecting anger and rejection.

Collins initially felt very bad after Mike’s confession knowing very well that Dorcas orchestrated everything and not him.

However, Collins, having experienced similar pain, chose to forgive Mike and welcomed him into their family.

Mike and Aku got married, and their child brought joy to both families.

Mike finally found redemption and a new sense of purpose, learning that forgiveness and love can conquer even the deepest wounds.


Will Collins family discover that Mike is a married man? Will they allow Mike to marry Aku as a second wife? Read the next episode.




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