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  • Writer's pictureCollins k.k Boateng

The One I Love EP 4

Welcome to episode 4 of "The One I Love." If you haven't read the previous three episodes, don't worry - we'll get you up to speed.

Let's get started.

Mike's Broken Love

So Mike having now gotten convinced that Dorcas was cheating on him with Collins, returned home depressed and shuttered.

“How can a man be so wicked? A person I helped to get employment is now having an affair with my fiancée. Such a wicked world”. Mike thought.    

“I will not confront any of them but distance myself but surely I will repay Collins with interest”. Mike conspired.

That night Mike couldn’t sleep. He thought and thought until he could feel no further. He was very disappointed.

The next working day, a Monday, Mike dropped his resignation letter to his employer stating no definite reason.

Collins on the other hand felt very disappointed in Dorcas for drugging him and so threatened to sack her.

However, Dorcas, knowing what she was up to never got bothered.

“Are you planning to terminate my appointment? On what basis are you going to do that? Will you tell the director you sacked me because I drugged you?

Who is going to believe this? Don’t force me to fabricate lies against you”. Dorcas threatened Collins, her boss.

Upon second thought, Collins had to rescind his decision to terminate Dorcas’s appointment in the company but tried to keep a distance.

Fast forward, when Mike learned where Collins was living, married with kids, he recalled his disappointment 20 years back and decided it was time to pay back what he caused him.

“What revenge is appropriate for this ingrate? I’m pretty sure at this stage of his life it will get him down and that is my primary motive.

He should feel more hurt than I experienced”. What do I do?

I will get in touch with his daughter, make her fall for me, impregnate her, and abandon her. This will be a great deal” he concluded his plans.

Mike discovered that Aku, Collins's daughter was enrolled in the University of Ghana, Legon, studying mathematics.

Mike was 42 years old but looked younger than his age. Fresh skin and with average height and size. He looked handsome.

Aku is a level three hundred student studying mathematics at the University of Ghana, Legon. She was brightly chocolate in Color with a curvy body.

She got the fronts and backs, not to forget about her broad face that clearly shows her sexy eyes with her tempting and enchanting lips.

It will be really difficult for any man in his right sense to resist her. However, with all these features she was humble and respectful due to the training from home.

Campus Stocking

“Hello, young girl. It’s about to rain why don’t you hop in so I drop you”? Mike offered one cloudy day when he decided to monitor Aku while she went to lectures. She had closed from lectures and was getting to the junction to board a car.

Aku in Mike's car

“Hi, thanks very much. I will get a hailing ride very soon so don’t bother, okay?” Aku replied.

But Mike insisted and won her into his ride.

“You know something, actually I know you very well and I’m dropping you straight to your doorstep”. Mike bragged.

“Really? Amazing. What a world! Just today you can drop me at my door without my assistance, well let's see. Or have you been stocking me?” Aku responded in so much amazement.

Plan Implementation

They had a long chat during the ride as Mike dropped her at the entrance of her gate. They both exchanged contacts.

After that day, Mike and Aku got engaged on so many social platforms, WhatsApp, Twitter, Snap Chat, and Facebook, to name the rest.

They started to go on night dates, day beaches, adventures, and more. Mike played his cards well to avoid the suspicion of Aku.

Aku looked so innocent that it would be very difficult to harm her.

“I intended to harm her but she is a good person with a pure soul, I’m finding it very difficult to implement my plan”. Mike thought as he realized he was delaying enough on his revenge.

“His father never considered how pure in heart I am but went ahead to break my relationship with Dorcas. He is the target and I will surely pay him back through his innocent daughter.” Mike murmured to himself.

One evening Mike feigned sickness while his wife and children were away to visit his mother in the village. He invited Aku over to take care of him. She visited him as urgently as possible.

Aku didn’t know he was married since he had not sent her to his house before nor told her of her marital status.

While taking care of him it started raining and guess what Mike and Aku got sensual and he was able to put her to bed.


Do you think she will actually get pregnant and Mike will finally dump her? Read the next EPISODE (episode 5).




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Collins k.k Boateng
Collins k.k Boateng
May 29
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Amazing. Let's see what happens next

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