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  • Writer's pictureCollins k.k Boateng

The One I Love Ep 1

In the bustling city of Accra, amidst the chaotic streets and vibrant markets, fate wove its complex threads.

Collins, a young entrepreneur with a dream as big as the ocean, found himself lost in the rhythm of the city.

One fateful afternoon as he circumnavigated through the street of Osu, his eyes met those of Joyce, a young spirited woman selling handmade crafts by the roadside.

Their gaze locked and time seemed to stand still in that fleeting moment.

Collins couldn’t shake the feeling that he had just stumbled upon something extraordinary.

‘’Beautiful crafts you have here,’’ Collins remarked, breaking the silence between them.

Joyce smiled, her eyes sparkling with warmth. ‘’Thank you. I put my heart and soul into each piece’’.

As they conversed, a connection blossomed between them, like two puzzle pieces fitting perfectly together.

Collins found himself drawn to Joyce’s infectious laughter and unwavering optimism, while Joyce admired Collins’s ambition and kindness.

Before parting ways, they exchange numbers, each secretly hoping for another encounter.


A Serendipitous Reunion


Weeks passed, and Collins couldn’t get Joyce out of his mind.

He eagerly awaited her messages and counted down the days until their next meeting. Fate, it seemed had other plans.

One evening while attending a business conference in Kumasi, Collins crossed paths with Ore an old friend from university.

‘’Collins, it's been too long!’’ Ore exclaimed, enveloping Collins in a bear hug.

Collins smiled warmly, grateful for the unexpected reunion. Collins mentioned Joyce, unable to contain his excitement about their budding connection as they caught up over drinks.

‘’That’s incredible! You won’t believe it, but I know Joyce,’’ Ore exclaimed, his eyes widening in disbelief.

Collins’s heart skipped a beat. ‘’You do?’’

Ore nodded. ‘’She is a close friend of my cousin Danny.

They are both attending a wedding in Takoradi next weekend. I could introduce you if you’d like’’.

Ecstatic at the prospect of seeing Joyce again, Collins eagerly accepted Ore’s offer.

Little did he know, their reunion would mark the beginning of an unforgettable journey.


Love Amidst Chaos

The wedding in Takoradi proved to be a whirlwind of laughter, music, and joy. Amidst the chaos of the celebration, Collins’s eyes searched eagerly for Joyce, his heart pounding with anticipation.

And then, as if by fate’s design, their paths crossed once more. Joyce stood beneath the starlit sky, her smile radiant as she danced to the rhythm of the music.

Collins approached her, his heart racing with a mixture of excitement and nervousness. ‘’ Joyce, it's me, Collins.’’

Joyce’s eyes lit up in recognition, and she pulled him into a warm embrace.

"I have been hoping you’d come,’’ she whispered her voice barely audible above the music.

As they danced beneath the twinkling stars, time seemed to slow down, allowing them to savor every moment together.

In that enchanted evening, amidst the laughter and celebration, Collins and Joyce discovered that they were destined to be.


A Love That Transcends


As the night wore on, Collins and Joyce found themselves lost in conversation, sharing stories and laughter like old friends.

They spoke of their dreams, their passion, and their fears and with each passing moment, their connection deepened.

I feel like I’ve known you my whole life, “Joyce said, her eyes sparkling with wonder.

‘’I know exactly what you mean,’’ Collins replied, his voice filled with emotion. “it’s as if we’ve been searching for each other all this time, and fate finally brought us together.’’

As the wedding celebration came to a close, Collins walked Joyce to her hotel room, the cool night air filled with the sweet scent of blooming flowers.

‘’I don’t want this night to end,” Joyce whispered, her voice barely audible.

“Neither do I,” Collins replied, taking her hand in his. “But I promise, this is just the beginning of our journey together.”

With the AC, on and Joyce feeling cold, she drew close to Collins and lay in his bosom. ‘’I feel better here”. Joyce said.

Collins clamped her to his chest as they gazed at each other sensually.

In the bustling city of Accra, amidst the chaotic streets and vibrant markets

What do you think is the next step? Your guess might be wrong. Read the next episode to find out.

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Collins k.k Boateng
Collins k.k Boateng
May 25
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

I love this story myself. Next episode will be mad

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