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  • Writer's pictureCollins k.k Boateng

Substandard And Falsified Medicines: Risks And Preventions

Substandard And Falsified Medicines

Hi guys, always cares about you when it comes to your health and related issues.

There is one dangerous discovery I have made that I want to bring to your notice so that those who are ignorant about it can be conscious of it.

If you already know it then it is time to dive deeper as you read this article.

Have you heard of substandard medicines? What are falsified medicines? Have you had any experience with these medicines before? If yes kindly share with us, if no then it is time to get abreast.

Just imagine taking medicines that are supposed to make you feel better, but instead, it makes you worse or even puts your life at risk.

This is the harsh reality of substandard and falsified medicines, a growing global concern affecting millions globally.

Just last month, my granny passed away due to falsified hypertension medicine my uncle ignorantly got for her to consume.

May her humble soul rest in perfect peace. She would have been alive by now if my uncle could get her an approved or standard medicine for her BP.

I care about you and do not want you to have such a bad experience that is why I’m writing this article to conscientize my readers even though I’m in my mourning state.

Falsified medicines are a growing global health threat, putting millions of lives at risk.

These fake medicines are designed to look like the real thing but can have devastating consequences for those who take them.

Falsified and substandard medicines are a global issue. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), approximately 1 in 10 medicines sold in developing countries are either substandard or falsified. In some countries, this number can be as high as 50%.

This article will delve deeper into the dangers of substandard and falsified medicines, how to identify them, and more. We will also answer frequently asked questions. Without much ado, let us delve into the focus of the article.

Substandard Medicines

Substandard Medicines

Substandard medicines are pharmaceutical products that do not meet the required standards of quality, safety, and efficacy.

They are dangerous medicines that can be very harmful to public health.

They are genuine products that haven’t been manufactured or stored properly, hence making them ineffective or even harmful.

Characteristics Or Features Of Substandard Medicines

Substandard medicines are not approved by authorities since they do not meet the required standard and may:

  • May contain harmful contaminants or adulterants

  • Be poorly manufactured or stored

  • Lack the active ingredients or have incorrect amounts

  • Fail to meet dissolution or stability standards

  • Have incorrect labeling or packaging

Consequences Of Substandard Medicines

Surely if you do not consume a standard medicine, there are risks associated with taking substandard medicines. Some negative effects or consequences of substandard medicines are:

  • There is reduced efficacy resulting in ineffective treatment of medical conditions

  • There is increased toxicity which may result in poisoning or harmful side effects

  • Drug resistance, contributing to antimicrobial resistance

  • There is a loss of trust, hence eroding confidence in the healthcare systems and pharmaceuticals

  • There will be an economic burden as a result of wasting resources and increasing healthcare costs.

Common Factors Contributing To Substandard Medicines

What brings about or raises the popularity of substandard medicines?

Below are some common factors that contribute to substandard medicines:

  • Poor regulation and enforcement

  • Lack of transparency and accountability

  • Insufficient quality control measures

  • Lack of transparency and accountability

  • Counterfeiting and illegal distribution

How to Combat Substandard Medicines

To eradicate or reduce the production and spread of substandard medicines, the following measures must be put in place:

  • Implement robust quality and control measures

  • Strengthen regulatory frameworks and enforcement

  • Enhance transparency and accountability

  • Promote public awareness and accountability

  • There should be strong support for the research and development of high-quality medicines

Falsified Medicines

Falsified Medicines

Falsified or counterfeit medicines are pharmaceutical products that are deliberately mislabeled, tampered with, or falsely represented to deceive consumers.

They are fake products that pretend to be real medicines. These medicines may contain incorrect or harmful ingredients or no ingredients at all.

Features Of Falsified Or Counterfeit Medicines

How will I know a medicine is fake? Read the features of falsified medicines below:

  • Falsified medicines are completely fake

  • They contain incorrect or harmful ingredients

  • They are packaged to mimic genuine products

  • Falsified medicines are labeled with false information ( dosage, expiration date)

  • They are diverted from legitimate supply chain

Dangers Of Counterfeit Or Falsified Medicines

  • Taking falsified medicines will result in the following dangers or side effects:

  • Treatment of medical conditions will be ineffective leading prolong or chronic ailment

  • The consumer will have adverse reactions

  • There will be drug interactions or overdoses due to the wrong dosage

  • There will be an increased risk of antimicrobial resistance

  • Lost of trust in the healthcare sector and pharmaceuticals

Common Types Of Falsified Or Counterfeit Medicines

Below are the common types of falsified medicines:

  • Lifestyle drugs, such as erectile dysfunction, weight loss

  • Life-saving medicines like antiretrovirals, cancer treatments

  • Vaccines

  • Painkillers and analgesics

  • Antibiotics

Combatting Falsified Or Counterfeit Medicines

To eradicate counterfeit or falsified medicines, the following actions must be taken:

  • There should be a robust regulatory framework and legislation

  • There should be the implementation of authentic technologies (for example, serial numbers, and holograms)

  • There should be an enhancement of supply chain security and monitoring

  • Promote public awareness and education

  • Support international corporations and information sharing

How Do I Know A Medicine Is Substandard Or Falsified (Counterfeit)

The red flags to watch out for to avoid falling victim to falsified medicines are very important.

Take note of the following before buying any medicine to consume:

  • Suspiciously cheap pharmaceutical products especially when priced below the actual price (promotion)

  • Incorrect spelling or grammar mistakes on the label website

  • Selling prescription-only medicines without giving prescription

Where Can I Find Falsified And Substandard Medicines?

Falsified and substandard medicines are a global concern, found in both developed and developing countries.

They often target vulnerable populations which include the poor and elderly, and claim to treat conditions like malaria, obesity, or diabetes.

How Can We Protect Ourselves From Substandard And Falsified Medicines?

Prevention from Substandard And Falsified Medicines

If you want to stay safe to protect yourself and others especially your loved ones, stick to the following:

  • Buy medicines from licensed pharmacies or healthcare providers

  • Report suspicious activities to authorities

  • You need to consult your pharmacist or doctor if you have doubts about a medicine

  • Check the packaging for signs of tampering or suspicious labels

Who Is Behind Substandard And Falsified Medicines?

Criminals and unscrupulous businesses drive the trade in substandard and falsified medicines.

They are sadists who profit from the suffering of people and target susceptible populations like the poor and elderly.

The Fight Against Substandard And Falsified Medicines

Governments, healthcare professionals, and organizations are working together to combat this issue.

They are implementing stricter regulations, improving supply chain security, and raising awareness about the dangers of standard and falsified medicines.

Frequently Asked Questions

In 2024, which regions will not affected by substandard and falsified medicines?

Contemporarily, no region remains exempted from substandard and falsified medicines. Europe, North America, South East Asia, Sub-Saharan Africa, and Latin America are all affected by these substandard and counterfeit medicines.


Before, this concern was limited to the problem of developing and low-income regions.

However, due to increased access to the internet, the criminals have maneuvered their way to other developed countries too.

You deserve better. Do not allow any criminal for their selfish interest to paralyze your health and well-being.

Let this article be your guide so that you do not fall victim to these falsified and substandard medicines that are destroying thousands of people worldwide.

We have provided detailed information on how you can identify such medicines. Furthermore, we have offered the negative effects or consequences of consuming substandard and falsified medicines so that you will be on guard whenever you are out there to purchase a medicine.

To be on the safer side buy medicines from licensed pharmacies or seek clearance from your healthcare professional when you suspect the Genuity of a drug you have bought.

Prioritize quality, not cheap medicines and stay safe.

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