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  • Writer's pictureCollins k.k Boateng

Simple Ways To Use Beetroot To Shrink Fibroid

Updated: Apr 10

Fibroid is among the number one cause of infertility in women.

Most women are battling with a fibroid that has refused to go after several treatment approaches.

Are you wondering how you can shrink your fibroid without having to go for surgery?

Are you finding it difficult to get pregnant for the sake of fibroid? Worry not.

I will give you the solution in this article. You will shrink your fibroid without having to undergo surgery and you can successfully conceive and deliver a baby.

Read this article to the end to discover the simple ways to use beetroot to shrink fibroids, how to prevent yourself from getting fibroids and more.

What Are Fibroids?


Many people have heard this popular term but do not know what it is so I will take my time to make you understand all you need to know about fibroids.

The non-cancerous growth in the uterus of a woman is known as fibroids.

It is a popular claim that it can be gotten rid of with the interventions of medical practitioners especially in severe cases.

However, some natural remedies like Beetroot can be used to get rid of fibroids by shrinking them.

Beetroot has been used traditionally to shrink fibroids many years past but has gained more popularity in recent times.

It has powerful nutrients like vitamins that precipitate the shrinking of this non-cancerous growth. You can use it in several ways to shrink fibroids.

About Beetroot

When you hear of beet, it is the same as Beetroot. It is a root vegetable wearing a red-purple color.

Beet contains essential nutrients which include dietary fiber, folate, vitamins A, C, and K, and also iron.

With its antioxidant properties, the fruit has a direct impact on fibroids and other health-related concerns.

It also contains fiber that is good for reproductive health.

Beetroot juice is also powerful and very effective on fibroids.

The nutrients present in beetroot and its antioxidant properties have direct effects on the management of fibroids.

Beet is popular for its nitrate content can help improve blood flow and contribute to reducing inflammation and the enhanced blood flow is capable of aiding in the shrinking of fibroids in women.

Simple Ways To Shrink Fibroids With Beetroot

 If you are anxious about how you are going to use beet to shrink fibroid then you are lucky.

Below are the various ways you can use beetroot to shrink fibroids without surgery. Here we go:

  • You can simply get fresh beetroots and add them to your salads or smoothies. Eating beets in their natural form makes you get the right nutrients to need and aids in fibroid shrinkage. You need to be consistent in taking it for effective results.

  • By consuming fresh beetroot juice daily the powerful nutrients in it start to act on the fibroid to shrink it. You can start with a small quantity and then increase the amount as your body adjusts.

  • By consuming beetroot smoothies. If you want to shrink your fibroids you can also incorporate taking beetroot smoothies. You can blend fresh beetroot with berries, leafy greens, and flaxseeds to get nutritious smoothies.

  • By taking beetroot supplements. This might be either powdered or in capsules. These supplements act on fibroids as they contain active nutrients that have the potency to shrink the fibroids. In any case, you need to seek medical advice before incorporating beetroot into your daily diet to shrink fibroid.

Other Natural Beverages That Can Shrink Fibroids

Other drinks also can shrink fibroids due to the essential nutrients in them. These beverages are:

  • Water

  • Green Tea

  • Herbal Teas

Are There Herbs That Can Assist In Fibroid Shrinkage?

Scientifically there has not been any proof of an herb that shrinks fibroids but traditionally some herbs are believed to have the potency to shrink or manage fibroids. They are:

  • Chasteberry

  • Dong Quai

  • Milk Thistle






Non-cancerous growths in the uterus of a woman.


Medical interventions, including surgery, are common for severe cases; natural remedies like Beetroot are also used for shrinking fibroids.

Beetroot Benefits

Contains essential nutrients such as dietary fiber, folate, vitamins A, C, and K, and iron; possesses antioxidant properties beneficial for reproductive health; beetroot juice aids in shrinking fibroids.

Beetroot Consumption

Fresh beetroots can be added to salads or smoothies; beetroot juice can be consumed daily in increasing amounts; beetroot smoothies blended with berries, leafy greens, and flaxseeds are nutritious; beetroot supplements are available but medical advice is recommended before use.

Other Beverages for Fibroids

Water, Green Tea, Herbal Teas

Herbs for Fibroid Shrinkage

Chasteberry, Dong Quai, Milk Thistle

Frequently Asked Questions

I’m pregnant for 3 months. Please can I consume beetroot?

Sure, beetroot has essential vitamins that are good for pregnant women and their babies so it is advisable to eat beetroot while pregnant.

However, you need to seek healthcare advice before incorporating beetroot as a pregnant woman.


Fibroid is a dangerous threat to reproduction and therefore must not be massaged. You need to uproot it completely.

If you want to get rid of fibroid buildup in your womb as a woman without having to undergo an operation, then with the guidance of a healthcare specialist you need to incorporate beetroot in your daily diet.

You can take beetroot in several ways to shrink your fibroids as directed in the article.

In the absence of beetroot, you can also use other alternative beverages and herbs to shrink your fibroid without having to be operated on.

Make sure to seek medical guidance before embarking on this venture.

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