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  • Writer's pictureCollins k.k Boateng

Pregnancy: Signs, Symptoms, Causes, Prevention And More

Are you a female and feeling unusual making you suspect pregnancy?

As a guy or a man are you wondering if the changes in the behavior of your woman is as a result of pregnancy? Continue reading.

You know, as we just celebrated and enjoyed the Christmas and New Year festivity, most couples or partners enjoyed themselves well to the extent of embracing intimacy without protection against pregnancy.

Most will be wondering when there is a change in their mood and way of doing things.

‘’I know very well that most of these young girls will be engaging in unprotected sex during these festivity and later feel bad when they start seeing some signs and symptoms of pregnancy’’.

A friend of mine stated in a conversation we had before Christmas.

What he said was true. This morning one lady who lives opposite our house started vomiting and the mom accused her of pregnancy even before she could run a test on her.

As to whether the woman’s claim was true or not we can’t tell for now but as you continue reading this article, you will be able to know and understand the signs, symptoms, cause, and almost everything you should know about pregnancy.

Focus Of The Article

  • What is pregnancy?

  • Causes of pregnancy

  • Signs And Symptoms of Pregnancy

  • Types of contraception

I have let you know what this article will talk about and so without wasting much time let us delve into the details of it. Now we will begin with the first one which is :

What Is Pregnancy?

A pregnant woman showing her protruding stomach

Pregnancy is when one or more fetus develops inside a female’s womb.

A normal pregnancy lasts about nine months as calculated from the last menstrual period to delivery. This period is normally termed a trimester.

You can get pregnant through unprotected sex or by surrogacy. Now let us head on to the causes of pregnancy having known something briefly about pregnancy.

Causes Of Pregnancy

So someone may ask is it always that whenever you engage in unprotected sex a woman can get pregnant? Don’t worry.

I will take my time to take you through the causes of pregnancy and this will make you understand that not all sexual intercourses can lead to pregnancy. So follow me as I take you through. The causes of pregnancy are:

  • Having unprotected sex

  • The union of an ovum and a sperm

  • Hormonal orchestra

  • Surrogation

Bear in mind that a female can only be pregnant when she has attained the period of producing matured ovaries.

If she can menstruate then the probability of getting pregnant after having sexual intercourse with a man with healthy sperm cells is very high.

Now the details of the causes:

Having Unprotected Sex

Having unprotected sex is having sex without the use of any contraceptives such as pills, condoms, or any family planning device like a Intra intra-uterine device (IUD).

When a lady engages in sexual intercourse without the use of any of the above devices while in her danger zone, the probability of conceiving becomes very high, therefore, if you want to get pregnant you can adhere to this guide.

The Union Of An Ovum And A Sperm

One cause of pregnancy is also when a healthy sperm swims to unite with a matured ovum after unprotected sex with a man. This union occurs when there is fertilization in the fallopian tube.`

Hormonal orchestra

Before pregnancy can occur, hormones play a very crucial role throughout the whole cycle.

The Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG) is the hormone that is detected by pregnancy tests and it is crucial for maintaining early pregnancy.


It is not only sex that causes pregnancy. A man’s sperm can be taken and injected into another woman who is ready to get pregnant and give birth to another couple.

Knowing the causes of pregnancy, let us head on to the signs of pregnancy.

Signs And Symptoms Of Pregnancy

If you are confused about whether you are pregnant after engaging in unprotected sex, then you need to take the signs and symptoms of pregnancy stated in this article very seriously to be sure of your condition.

The signs and symptoms of pregnancy are :

  • Missed periods

  • Morning sickness ( vomiting and nausea)

  • Fatigue

  • Breast tenderness

  • Frequent Urination

  • Mood Swings

  • Cravings and Aversions

Here we go with an explanation of each sign and symptom:

Missed Periods

One critical sign that affirms the speculation of pregnancy is when a woman misses her period especially consecutively.

At this point, most women rush out for pregnancy test kits to confirm if actually what they assume is true.

Missing a period is a first clue for pregnancy although some females may experience light bleeding.

Morning sickness ( vomiting and nausea)

As I said earlier in my introduction. In our local setting once a mature female starts to vomit or feel nausea, especially in the morning, most people consider and judge her to be pregnant even before it is confirmed by a specialist or a test kit.

These symptoms can occur at any time of the day and usually happen during the first trimester.


Usually, pregnancy makes the woman carrying the growing embryo feel very tired.

There is an increase in the levels of hormones and this causes the baby carrier to yearn for more rest. Fatigue is one of the signs of pregnancy.

Breast Tenderness

One symptom of pregnancy that is usually seen and experienced by pregnant women is the changes in the breast sensation which has to do with breast tenderness. The areolas also darkensdarken.

Frequent Urination

The hormonal changes and the expansion of the uterus during pregnancy causes the pregnant woman to piss most of the time. Normally, our old folks say the baby is urinating.

Mood Swings

Normally when a woman is pregnant she tends to switch moods intermittently and this is engineered by hormones.

They also become more emotional. They tend to laugh easily, cry easily, and everything in between.

Cravings and Aversions

Pregnant women tend to crave foods or stuff that they usually do not crave. Food craving is a sign of pregnancy that you must look out for.

How To Confirm Pregnancy

So if you finally want to confirm whether you are pregnant, you need to stick to the methods below:

Meeting A Healthcare Professional

Although, you can use a home test to confirm, when you visit a professional healthcare is best to confirm the pregnancy and then begin prenatal care.

Using a Pregnancy Test Kit

Also, you can use a pregnancy test kit to confirm whether you are pregnant or not.

However, you need to use two kits within two-week intervals to confirm the pregnancy.

Types of Contraceptive That Can Be Taken To Avoid Pregnancy

If you are not ready to get pregnant you can take any of these types of contraception.

A Table Showing The Summary Of Pregnancy Causes, Signs and Symptoms, Pregnancy Confirmation And More



Causes of Pregnancy

- Having unprotected sex

- Union of an ovum and a sperm

- Hormonal orchestra

- Surrogation

Signs and Symptoms of Pregnancy

- Missed periods

- Morning sickness (vomiting and nausea)

- Fatigue

- Breast tenderness

- Frequent urination

- Mood swings

- Cravings and aversions

How to Confirm Pregnancy

- Meeting a healthcare professional

- Using a pregnancy test kit

Types of Contraceptives

- Tubal ligation and vasectomy

- Injection

- IUDs (Intrauterine Devices)

- Implants

- Oral contraceptive pills

- Emergency contraception

- Condoms and more

Frequently Asked Questions

When do early pregnancy signs start?

Early pregnancy signs and symptoms start at 7 to 14 days with related symptoms like tiredness, headache, bloating, and more.


Suppose you wondered whether the signs and symptoms you are experiencing are that of pregnancy or not.

In that case, the article has provided enough evidence that you can consider and even more on how you can confirm your pregnancy.

I also stated how you can get pregnant with ease and how you can prevent pregnancy when you are not ready.

I have also provided some types of contraception that you can opt for.

To get the best from the article, you can read it over and over again and if there is information that is not provided in this article, you can relay it in the comment section.

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Adepa Joy
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Akosua Asabea
Akosua Asabea
Jan 21
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Thanks for sharing


Alex Adjei
Alex Adjei
Jan 15

Per the symptoms here am sure my younger sister is pregnant. She puked anyhow

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Adepa Joy
Apr 20
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