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  • Writer's pictureCollins k.k Boateng

Most Dangerous Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs)

Do you know much about Sexually Transmitted Diseases or Sexually Transmitted Infections(STIs)?

Are you suspect of having any STDs after unprotected sex?

Do you want to know if the symptoms and signs you are experiencing or showing are an STD?

Follow me through to the end to be sure if you have STD or not.

If you do not know much about the various kinds of Sexually Transmitted Diseases or Infections, I’m here to throw more light on it to your understanding.

You have to follow me closely as I deliver in this article. You know what?

Most people who engage in illicit and unprotected sex during the Christmas and New Year festivities will now be obsessed with an unplanned pregnancy or Sexually Transmitted Diseases when they begin to experience any related symptoms and signs.

To be pretty sure of what kind of STDs you have contracted or not, this article is sure to be of help.

Without much ado let us first head on to the focus of this article.

This Article Will Cover

·        What are Sexually Transmitted Diseases?

·        Causes of Sexually Transmitted Diseases

·        Most dangerous STDs

·        How to prevent Sexually Transmitted Diseases


Often the spectre of STDs lies in wait and is buried by discomfort and misconceptions in the intricate tapestry of human relationships.

Having stated the focus of this article, let us delve into the details for better understanding starting from:


What Are Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs)?

When we hear Sexually Transmitted Diseases which is abbreviated STDs, most people get scared without even having to understand what it is.

Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) refer to a range of infections that is transmitted via sexual activities whether through the vagina, oral(mouth), or anal.

With STDs or STIs, there is no respecter of person. It can affect any person of any gender, age, or even background.

For STDs, so far as you do not use protection if your partner has it and you engage in sexual intercourse with him or her, you are bound to have it.

Another thing is they can manifest with negligible symptoms making alertness and preventive measures very crucial.

In females, the signs and symptoms are usually not recognized earlier and so most women have STDs but do not know they have.

This is why you need to go for a check-up after having unprotected sex because you can’t trust anyone.

Although I have highlighted a slight hint of the causes of STDs let me take you through the details for a better understanding.


Causes Of Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs)

There is a saying that goes ‘’ There is no smoke without fire’’. This saying is actually through.

No one can sleep and wake up one day to say he or she got an STD without causing it in the first place.

It doesn’t happen unless, of course, it’s a spiritual kind of thing that can not be proven. Here are some of the causes of Sexually Transmitted Diseases:

·        Having unprotected sexual contact

·        Having multiple sexual partners

·        Intravenous Drug Use

Now the details:

Having Unprotected Sexual Contact

Most people do not protect themselves when having illicit sex with their sex partners because they feel they trust them enough.

However, when you engage in sexual intimacy without protection, can significantly increase your risk of contracting Sexually Transmitted Diseases.

With condoms, you can save yourself since they act as a barrier that offers a frontline defence.


Having Multiple Sexual Partners

With this particular cause of Sexually Transmitted Disease, I usually say it is due to a lack of self-control but others also say it is not easy handling one partner.

However, even if you want to have multiple partners, you need to protect yourself because you can’t trust the other partners as much as you trust yourself.

The more your sexual partners, the higher your risk of getting exposed to Sexually Transmitted Diseases.

You need to open communication about sexual history and as well do mutual testing to mitigate the risks.

Intravenous Drug Use

It is not always you contract STDs through sex. This cause of STD is very crucial to be considered.

When you share needles with people you heighten your chances of contracting bloodborne infections like hepatitis and HIV.

When you seek support for substance abuse, you will be able to break this dangerous cycle.

Now let us move on to the most dangerous Sexually Transmitted Diseases.

Most Dangerous Sexually Transmitted Diseases

All sexually transmitted diseases are very dangerous but the most dangerous ones as per my research are as stated and discussed below. They are:

·        Hepatitis B and C

·        Chlamydia

·        Gonorrhoea

Now the  details of the most dangerous STDs:


Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)

I quite remember growing up in the early 2000s. HIV was very popular and in my village was seen as a taboo to even mention it.

If anybody acquires it, the patient and their family are seen as unclean.

This sent most HIV patients to their early graves as a result of stigma and other stuff.

Even now, HIV remains one of the dangerous and formidable adversaries in the realm of Sexually Transmitted Diseases.

This stubborn disease attacks and captures the immune system and slowly renders the body’s defense system weak.

When the HIV is left untreated, it progresses to AIDS which is Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome.

To fight this, you need education, regular testing, and early intervention.


Human Papillomavirus (HPV)

One of the most dangerous STDs is the Human Papillomavirus (HPV). My dear this disease can be on you and you may remain oblivious of it. It is called the silent intruder.

It has the potential to cause cancers. To overcome it, you need vaccinations, regular screenings, and as well a chat with professional healthcare providers.


Hepatitis B And C

Hepatitis is one of the popular viral infections that most people fear to acquire.

It attacks a very important organ of the body which is the liver. It poses very severe health risks.

To protect yourself against the disease, you need to vaccinate, there should be awareness and as well safe practices to prevent the spread.



Normally, this disease is common among women and it is among the most dangerous STDs that are widespread.

If Chlamydia is not treated, it can make it very difficult for an affected woman to be able to conceive because it attacks the female’s reproductive system.



An image showing Gonorrhoea infection

As for Gonorrhoea, it is one of the most popular and dangerous STDs that is common among both genders.

Gonorrhoea symptoms are subtle among women. They can hardly detect when they have it.

Women can live with Gonorrhoea for several years without noticing and it can deform a baby.

Gonorrhoea can be treated with medication and can be prevented with protection during sex.

It can cause a serious health problem when left untreated.

Summary Of The Most Dangerous Sexually Transmitted Diseases




Prevention and Treatment


- Attacks and weakens the immune system.

- Education and Awareness

- Progresses to AIDS if left untreated.

- Regular testing

- Requires early intervention for management.

- Antiretroviral therapy (ART) for treatment


- Silent intruder with the potential to cause cancers.

- Vaccinations against specific HPV strains

- Can be asymptomatic, making detection challenging.

- Regular screenings

- Professional healthcare provider consultations.

Hepatitis B and C

- Attacks the liver, posing severe health risks.

- Vaccination against Hepatitis B

- Awareness and safe practices to prevent spread.

- Antiviral medications for Hepatitis B

- Routine screening for Hepatitis C


- Common among women, affecting the reproductive system.

- Early detection and treatment are crucial for women's reproductive health.

- Antibiotics for treatment


- Common and dangerous STDs affecting both genders.

- Protection during sex to prevent transmission.

- Symptoms subtle among women, may lead to infertility.

- Medication for treatment

- Can cause serious health problems when left untreated.


Now let us move into the Prevention of STDs


How To Prevent Sexually Transmitted Diseases

A condom hanging on a drying line

Anything with causes also has preventions. If there is something that will bring it to life then there is also a way to stop it from occurring. So how then do we prevent STDs in general? Here we go:

·        Practicing Safe Sex

·        Regular Testing

·        Vaccination


Now the details of each prevention. Here we go:

Practicing Safe Sex

There is an adage that goes this way ‘’ Prevention is better than Cure’’.

This adage rings specifically true with Sexually Transmitted Diseases or infections.

If you want to protect yourself against STDs then you need to regularly use condoms during sexual intercourse and this will protect you against STDs.


Regular Testing

One paramount way to ensure that you are protected against STDs is having regular screening.

This will help you take charge of your sexual health as you can detect any infection earlier for treatment.



When you vaccinate, it stands as a protection against certain major STDs such as HPV, hepatitis B, and more.

Making sure that vaccinations are up to date is a paramount step in fortifying your defence.

Vaccines stand as guardians against certain STDs like HPV and Hepatitis B.

Ensuring that vaccinations are up-to-date is a proactive step in fortifying one's defence.


Frequently Asked Questions

Are Sexually Transmitted Diseases curable?

Most of the STDs are proven to be curable with the proper medication. Others like HIV/AIDS have no proof of cure but can be controlled.



It is better to prevent than to cure. Most of these STDs are not easy to fight.

Some cannot be treated at all. The article has highlighted some dangerous STDs, how you can prevent them, causes, and more.

If you want to stay safe and live a happy sexual and healthy life consider the information given in this article.

Try to be faithful to one partner and if possible always use a condom when the need arises to try another sexual partner.

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Alex Adjei
Alex Adjei
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Akosua Asabea
Akosua Asabea
評等為 5(最高為 5 顆星)。

Thanks for sharing. Next time add HIV/AIDS


Alex Adjei
Alex Adjei
評等為 5(最高為 5 顆星)。

Deadly diseases

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