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  • Writer's pictureCollins k.k Boateng

Causes And Symptoms Of Low Sperm Count

Updated: Jun 9

What is low sperm count? Do you know of the symptoms, causes, treatment, and home remedies of low sperm count?

If your response to the concern above is a ‘No’ then my dear you need to read this article to the end.

Low sperm count is medically known as oligospermia. It can have a significant impact on male fertility and reproductive health.

One tricky thing about oligospermia is that you might not realize you have it because the symptoms are not what we generally expect.

The hospital is a reliable place to confirm its presence. Although, there are some obvious symptoms.

The article will let out some of the obvious symptoms of low sperm count so keep reading.

Most people are battling or struggling to have their own kids but to no avail. Most families associate it with the fault of the woman in question.

Little do they consider that the fault can come from the man. Some people even believe there are some kinds of witchcraft associated with their inability to produce babies when it is the presence of oligospermia.

I know you want to know more about low sperm count (oligospermia) so stay tuned till the end to be abreast with everything about it.

Read this article to the end to learn how to combat low sperm count naturally with our comprehensive guide.

Explore the causes, symptoms, treatment, and effective remedies to boost fertility and improve your chances of conception. Be the master of your reproductive health today.

Understanding Low Sperm Count: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment And Home Remedies

Let us now delve deeper into understanding low sperm count also called oligospermia so that every reader will have a vivid understanding of this condition and then know how to go by it in case it announces its presence in any man.

As a woman, you can also read this to educate your husband or brother so that they will have in-depth knowledge about this condition.

What Is Low Sperm Count?

Low Sperm Count

Low sperm count or oligospermia is when a man has fewer sperm cells than normal in his semen.

This condition is diagnosed when a man has fewer than 15 million (15,000000) sperm per millimeter of semen.

It can affect fertility and make it harder for partners to conceive.

So, what brings about low sperm count medically known as oligospermia? The causes have been discussed and well explained for better understanding.


Knowing the causes of low sperm count offers insight into preventing it from being experienced.

Below are the medically confirmed causes of low sperm count (oligospermia):

Hormonal Imbalances

Hormones play major roles in fertility, especially sperm production. Balanced hormones give rise to more production of the sperm cell.

When there is a disruption in hormonal levels like low testosterone or high estrogen, sperm production can be affected.

Medical Conditions

Medical conditions such as enlarged veins in the testicles medically known as varicocele, genetic disorders, infections, and certain medications can negatively impact sperm production.

Lifestyle Factors

Certain lifestyles such as drug use and abuse, smoking poor dieting and excessive alcohol consumption can greatly contribute to low sperm count.Check these lifestyles to avoid or prevent oligospermia.

Environmental Factors

The environment is also one of the major causes of low sperm count.

How? When one gets exposed to toxins, excessive heat, and radiation can impair sperm production.

So how do I know I have oligospermia? Can there be symptoms to tell whether one has oligospermia or not? Yes, there are symptoms. Read below:

Symptoms Of Low Sperm Count

Below are some obvious symptoms of low sperm count. When you notice them as a man, you must quickly rush to the hospital. The symptoms are:

Testicular Pain Or Swelling

Medical conditions like varicocele can cause swelling and discomfort in the testicles when you experience that you need to rush to the hospital for medical attention.

Difficulty Conceiving

One of the major causes of infertility is low sperm count. If you have a long battle for conception but it is not working out then you should know that oligospermia is dancing joyously in your system.

Low sperm count can result in subfertility or infertility rendering it challenging for couples to conceive.

Changes In Sexual Function

One major symptom of oligospermia is experiencing changes in libido or erectile dysfunction.

When you start experiencing erectile dysfunction, do not hesitate to see a doctor.

Is there a way to treat low sperm count? Sure, there are several ways to treat low sperm count both with chemical drugs, home remedies, and herbal remedies. Read below.

There are several natural ways to treat or prevent low sperm count. Below are simple natural remedies for low sperm count.

Consuming Healthy Meals

One way to prevent or treat low sperm count is by eating organic foods. You need to consume a balanced diet that is rich in antioxidants, minerals, and vitamins that can support sperm health.

You should eat foods like lean proteins, whole grains, vegetables, and healthy fats.

Specific nutrients such as vitamin C, vitamin D, zinc, and folate have been linked to improved sperm count and quality.

You need to consume foods that are rich in nutrients like fatty fish, spinach, oysters, citrus, and avocados.

Do Regular Exercise

Exercise has proven to be one of the major ways of improving overall well-being and male fertility.

When you engage in regular physical exercise, it helps maintain a healthy weight, reduce stress, and improve circulation, which intends to have a positive impact on sperm production.

You should at least engage in 30 minutes of moderate exercise most days of the week.

You should incorporate a mix of strength training, cardiovascular, and flexibility exercises.

Managing Stress

Men with chronic stress are more likely to experience oligospermia since it greatly affects hormonal balance, hence negatively impacting sperm production.

Engage in stress-reduction techniques such as yoga, hobbies that enhance relaxation, meditation, or deep breathing exercises. You need to prioritize adequate sleep and hydrate more.

Herbal (Home) Remedies

Herbal remedies are very powerful when it comes to fertility but little do most people know about it.

When it comes to low sperm count there has been one traditionally used herb that supports male fertility.

The herb is called Tribulus terrestris. Tribulus terrestris is a plant extract that is believed to enhance testosterone production and improve sperm quality.

Alternatively, you can opt for this one-time home remedy:


  • Garlic

  • Cucumber

  • Banana

  • Tin milk


  1. Slice half cucumber and pour in your blender

  2. Now slice two bananas and pour in the blender as well

  3. Add a few garlic

  4. Next pour your tin milk in the blender and finally blend everything.


Drink the mixture 3 times a week. You can take it anytime in the day.

You must seek consent from a healthcare professional or herbalist before incorporating herbal remedies into your routine especially when treating an underlying health condition.

You can treat low sperm count with the following procedures. They include:

  • Treating infections like gonorrhea, syphilis and others

  • Hormonal balancing

  • Surgery in the case of varicocele

  • Treating problems related to sexual intercourse

  • Available herbal and natural remedies

Medicines such as clomiphene citrate are effective at curing low sperm count as it stimulates the pituitary and hypothalamus glands in the brain.

You can also take herbal supplements such as ashwagandha and fenugreek. They are known to help improve sperm count.

While taking these, abstain from alcohol, and drugs and seek medical assistance.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I impregnate my woman with a low sperm count?

If you are trying to have a baby with your partner while having a low sperm count, it might still be possible to get conception naturally.

However, there are several remedies to incorporate to improve your sperm count such as lifestyle and home remedies.

Low sperm count is putting several families apart. It is rendering most men infertile and most painfully the blame is put on the women.

As a man, if you start to experience any of the obvious symptoms of low sperm count such as pains in the testicles, erectile dysfunction, and more you need to see a doctor for intervention.

Don’t let your mothers use your partners as scapegoats when it is your fault.

You can take proactive steps to optimize your reproductive health as a man by understanding the causes, symptoms, and effective natural remedies for addressing low sperm count.

You should adopt a healthy lifestyle and as well explore effective and available herbal remedies under the guidance of healthcare professionals.

By providing comprehensive information and practical tips, this article aims to empower readers to take control of their reproductive health and improve their chances of achieving conception.


This article is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended to promote or encourage sexual activity.

Its purpose is to provide guidance and support for individuals struggling with low sperm count (oligospermia).

The content is intended to be informative and helpful, not explicit or offensive. If you have concerns, please consult a healthcare professional or trusted resource in your community.



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