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  • Writer's pictureCollins k.k Boateng

Exploring The Kakum National Park Of Ghana

Updated: Sep 3

Have you had a walk in the air before? Do you know of Kakum National Park?

Have you heard of the history behind the Kakum National Park? If you want to know more about this hidden gem, this article is for you.

Article Focus

  • History Of Kakum National Park

  • Location And Contact Details Of Kakum National Park

  • Operating Hours Of Kakum National Park

  • Things To Do At Kakum National Park

  • When Is The Most Appropriate Time To Visit The Kakum National Park?

  • Lodging Areas Near Kakum National Park

  • What Is The Distance From Accra To Kakum National Park?

  • What Is The Entrance Fees To The Kakum National Park?

  • What Is The Best Way To Get To Kakum National Park From Accra?

  • What Makes Kakum National Park Unique And Special?

  • Frequently Asked Questions

  • Conclusion

History Of Kakum National Park

History of the Kakum National Park

In which country is the Kakum National Park? In the heart of Ghana, a hidden gem was waiting to be uncovered.

The journey of the Kakum National Park started in 1931 when a forest reserve was born to protect the majestic Kakum River.

For decades, the reserve flourished, its ancient trees standing tall against the test of time.

However, the 1970s  presented a new challenge, as logging operations threatened to disrupt the delicate balance of the rest of the forest.

Even that, the reserve was preserved and in the year 1989, a new era began.

The wildlife department took the reins and a bold vision for ecotourism was born.

A time of transformation sparked in the 1990s as the park’s beauty was showcased to the world.

The canopy walkway, a marvel of innovation, was unveiled in the year 1995, hence offering a bird’s eye view of the forest’s splendor.

Recently, the Kakum National Park stands as a testament to Ghana’s rich heritage, a haven for wildlife, and a source of inspiration for future generations.

The Park’s story is one of resilience, conservation, and the power of nature to uplift and transform.

Such a wonderful history. Do you want to know the location of this hidden haven? Keep reading.


Location And Contact Details Of Kakum National Park

The Kakum National Park is found in the southern central part of Ghana, close to the coast.

It is about 33 kilometers north of Cape Coast and Elmina, near the village of Abrafo. Traveling from Accra to the park is about 4 4-hour drive.

You can contact the managers of the Kakum National Park at 0200420831 for further inquiries before visiting.

Operating Hours Of Kakum National Park

 Kakum National Park is open on Monday for 24 hours but 7:00 am to 5:00 pm from Tuesdays to Sundays.


Things To Pack Along  When Visiting Kakum National Park

For you to get the best out of the park, you need to pack appropriately. You need to get there with appropriate items for comfort and enjoyment.

  • Lightweight clothing and long-sleeved shirts for protection from the rays of the sun and insects

  • Comfortable hiking boots or shoes

  • Sunscreen

  • Insect repellent

  • Hydration pack or water bottle

  • Snacks

  • Binoculars for birdwatching and wildlife viewing

  • Camera and charger for capturing memories

  • Reusable bag or backpack

  • First-aid kit and any personal medication

  • Umbrella or rain jacket, in case of rain

  • Enough cash for entrance fees, guides and incidentals


Things To Do At Kakum National Park

Below are the activities you can enjoy when you visit the Kakum National Park:

  • You can explore the Canopy walkway

  • You can enjoy hiking to discover the park’s flora and fauna

  • Birdwatching will enable you to spot over 400 bird species such as the African grey parrot

  • Wildlife viewing will offer the opportunity to catch a glimpse of live monkeys, lions, antelopes, and other wildlife

  • You can engage in forest tours to learn about the ecology of the forest and conservation effort

  • You can as well capture stunning images of the forest and its inhabitants.

  • Village tours will enable you to visit nearby villages and experience local culture.

There are lots of activities that can be carried out at the Kakum National Park.

Just visit and experience it yourself and you will be very grateful for this article. However, make sure to be obedient to the rules governing the park.


When Is The Most Appropriate Time To Visit The Kakum National Park?

You can visit the Kakum National Park at any time it is opened but you need to consider the Pros and Cons associated.

After consideration, you can then decide when to visit. Below is a breakdown of the seasons and their related periods.

Dry Season

The dry season runs from December to April and it is associated with better visibility.

It provides better access to the park’s trails and attractions.

During this time, there are clear skies and less foliage which makes it easier to spot wildlife and enjoy the scenery.

There is also more comfortable weather making it more comfortable for hiking and outdoor activities.

However, entrance fees are more likely to be higher since more tourists visit during this time.


Rainy Season

The rainy season runs from May to November and it is the time when there is lush scenery. The forest becomes very green.

There are also fewer tourists during these periods and the entrance fee is a little lower.

However, you need to prepare for slippery trails, muddy paths, and potential rain showers.

 Read More: The Cape Coast Castle

Lodging Areas Near Kakum National Park

If you are obsessed about where to lodge on your visit to Kakum National Park then do not worry at all, there are several accommodation options available. Read below.

  • Oasis Beach Resort, which is located at 42 Victoria Park which is about 3.1 miles from the Kakum National Park.

  • Mighty Victory Hotel is a hotel which is about 2.7 miles from Kakum National Park which is found on the Aboom Road, Cape Coast.

  • Golden Hill Parker Hotel is one affordable hotel that can be found at Elmina off the Cape Coast Takoradi highway. It is about 7.4 miles from Kakum National Park.

  • Brynx Haven

  • Coconut Grove Beach Resort

  • Elmina Bay Resort

  • Brenu Beach Lodge

  • Hans Cottage Botel


What Is The Distance From Accra To Kakum National Park?

It is about 219 kilometers by road and 127 kilometers by air. It takes about 4 hours and 25 minutes to travel from Accra to the Kakum National Park.

The time taken from Accra to Kakum National Park by air is approximately 1 hour.

Note that time by road might vary depending on traffic and other factors such as conditions of the road.


What Is The Entrance Fees To The Kakum National Park?

The entrance fees to the Kakum National Park are as follows:

Ghanaians pay GHS 30 while non-Ghanaians pay GHS 50 (approximately $ 4). Students with ID pay GHS 5

What Is The Best Way To Get To Kakum National Park From Accra?

The best way to get to Kakum National Park from Accra, the country’s capital is by bus or car.

You can drive from Accra to Kakum National Park via the Cape Coast road which takes about 4 hours.

What Makes Kakum National Park Unique And Special?

Imagine walking among the treetops, surrounded by the lush greenery of a tropical forest. Welcome to Ghana's Kakum National Park, the country's most popular natural wonder. What makes Kakum so special is its unique canopy walkway, one of only three in Africa.

This 1,150-foot-long (350m) suspended bridge stretches across seven towering trees, giving you a bird's-eye view of the forest floor below.

As you make your way through the park, you'll be immersed in a sea of tropical forest, covering an impressive 90% of the park's landscape.

It's an unforgettable adventure that will leave you feeling connected to nature!"

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is The Height Of The Canopy Walkway?

The Canopy walkway is about 350 meters long and connects 7 tree tops which offer access to the Kakum forest.



The Kakum National Park is a hidden gem that is a must-visit destination for nature lovers, adventure seekers, and anybody who has an interest in exploring the rich cultural heritage of Ghana.

The Kakum National Park is found in the Central Region of Ghana, with a canopy walkway, and several species of wildlife like antelopes, monkeys, and more. It is about 4 hours drive from Accra.

There are several lodging facilities around the park with affordable prices.

It has a canopy walkway that suspends about one foot above the ground and is connected to seven trees.

There are several activities to enjoy when you visit the park. When next you want to tour around the world, make Kakum National Park one of your topmost priorities.


Note: Make sure to respect the rules of the park and also try as much as possible not to put the existence of the wildlife in danger.


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