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  • Writer's pictureCollins k.k Boateng

Irregular Menstrual Flow: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment And Home Remedy

How is your monthly flow? Do you flow well or it's irregular?Irregular menstruation can be an issue of concern to most women especially women in their teens and twenties.

This affects their physical and emotional well-being.

Irregular menstrual flow can result in health complications such as fibroids and more.

My work as an herbal doctor and a nurse exposed me to women having problems with their monthly flow especially those with irregular flow.

Irregular menstrual flow has rendered most women infertile and reproductively challenged in our society but this article offers hope and a one-time solution to whoever is having such a problem.

Whether you are suffering from irregular menstrual flow yourself or looking for a solution for a loved one, this comprehensive article is for you.

Read this article to explore irregular menstrual flow including its cause, symptoms, treatment, diagnosis, home remedy, and more.

What Is Irregular Menstrual Flow?

What is irregular menstrual flow

Irregular menstrual flow is the deviation from the typical menstrual cycle pattern which normally occurs every twenty-one to thirty-five (21-35) days and lasts for two to seven (2 - 7) days.

Menstrual irregularities manifest as changes in the duration, frequency, and intensity of menstrual bleeding.

When you experience occasional irregularities, it's normal but when the irregularities persist, it may indicate an underlying health condition that needs medical attention.

You need to pay attention to your monthly blood flow.

Causes Of Irregular Menstrual Flow

Causes of irregular menstrual flow

Persistent menstrual irregularities are not natural hence, their experience is a result of underlying factors and that’s what we term the causes of irregular menstrual flow. Below are some causes of menstrual irregularities.

Hormonal Imbalance

Hormonal level fluctuations especially progesterone and estrogen can interfere with a woman’s menstrual cycle.

Hormonal imbalances commonly occur at puberty, perimenopause, and other conditions like thyroid disorders and Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).

Too Much Stress

Psychological stress can have a great effect on the production and regulation of hormones.

This leads to irregular menstrual flow. Work pressure, relationship issues, or major life occurrences impact menstrual irregularities.

Lifestyle Factors

In an actual sense, lifestyle impacts a major aspect of our lives as humans. Sudden weight loss or gain, too much exercise, poor nutrition, and substance abuse have a great impact on hormonal balancing and menstrual regularity.

Medical Conditions

Medical conditions such as uterine fibroids, PCOS, PID (Pelvic Inflammatory Diseases, thyroid disorders, and reproductive tract infections are capable of causing menstrual irregularities.


Sometimes the medications taken also affect menstrual flow. Certain medications like hormonal contraceptives, antidepressants, anticoagulants, and chemotherapy drugs might influence menstrual flow.

Symptoms Of Irregular Menstrual Flow

How will I know that I have irregular menstrual flow and that I need medical attention to revoke it?

Don’t worry the article is in-depth so continue reading as they are provided below. The symptoms of irregular menstrual flow are:

  • Experiencing long gaps between menstrual cycles

  • Heavy or prolonged menstrual bleeding

  • Infrequent or light bleeding

  • Inconsistent intervals between menstrual cycles.

  • Headaches, breast tenderness, mood swings, and fatigue.

Diagnosis Of Irregular Menstrual Flow

Below are the ways to diagnose menstrual irregularities:

Medical history

Your doctor or healthcare personnel will demand your menstrual history, symptoms, lifestyle factors, and underlying health conditions.

Physical Examination

Your doctor will demand that a pelvic examination be done to assess the reproductive organs for abnormalities of health conditions such as ovarian cysts or fibroids.

Imaging Tests

Ultrasound imaging might be used to visualize the ovaries, uterus, and other pelvic structures for abnormalities.

Blood Tests

Tests on thyroid function, hormone levels, and other blood tests might be conducted to evaluate and detect hormonal balance and underlying medical conditions.

Treatment Options For Irregular Menstrual Flow

Here are various treatment options for irregular menstrual flow:

Hormonal Therapy

Some hormonal contraceptives like birth control pills, hormonal IUDs, or patches can help regulate menstrual cycles and alleviate symptoms.

Lifestyle Modifications

You need to adopt a healthy lifestyle by managing stress, eating a balanced diet, maintaining a healthy weight, and moderate exercise, which can help balance hormonal levels.


You might be prescribed to get Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to help get rid of menstrual pain and reduce heavy bleeding.

Treatment Of Underlying Health Conditions

Underlying medical conditions like thyroid disorders, PCOS, or endometriosis can assist in regulating menstrual cycles and as well improve symptoms.

Surgical Interventions

In severe cases like endometriosis or fibroid, there will be the need for surgical processes like laparoscopic excision or myomectomy.

Home Remedy For Irregular Menstruation

Home remedies are powerful to prevent and bring back regular periods. Below is a common home remedy that can correct your irregular periods. Here we go:


  • Neem leaf

  • Garlic

  • Ginger


Wash the ingredients very well and boil them for 45 minutes.

You need to be mindful of the dosage. You will take this in 5 days period.

The quantity to be taken should be between 100ml and 150ml.

You need to start taking this a week before your period even if your menses have stopped for a long time. You should repeat these 3 different times.

NB: This medicine is not recommended for pregnant women, lactating mothers, and children under 15 years of age.

What Is The Maximum Delay In Menstruation When Not Pregnant?

The delay in menstruation that should arouse immediate concern is about five (5) days to a maximum of one (1) to three (3) months.

This might be a sign of amenorrhea (ceased menstruation) when pregnancy is not a probability. You need to see your gynecologist for investigation.

What Can I Do When My Menstruation Is Delayed For 5 Or More Days?

If it is not the result of pregnancy, you need to meet with your healthcare provider to find out the underlying conditions before progresses to more severe health conditions like fibroids.

At What Point Can I Be Obsessed About My Menstrual Flow?

If you bleed 8 days or more per your period or maybe your flow is heavier than normal, you need to visit your healthcare professional to speak with them about your condition so that they can assist you in case it is another medical condition like menorrhagia.

Does Irregular Menstrual Flow Mean Infertility?

Irregular menstrual flow can cause infertility when there is an underlying condition such as PCOS, fibroids, and more. However, you need to see a doctor when your period’s irregularities persist.

Frequently Asked Questions

With irregular menstrual flow, can I get pregnant?

Yes, you might be able to be pregnant with irregular menstrual flow because even with irregular menstruation, you can still ovulate just that it is not predictable and regular.

So if you ovulate unpredictably and you coincidentally have sexual intercourse, you might get pregnant.


When a menstrual cycle deviates from its natural pattern, we say it is irregular menstrual flow.

This condition is an issue of common concern to many women, especially in this part of the world we are.

Its potential causes range mainly from hormonal imbalances, to underlying medical conditions.

As you understand the causes, symptoms, treatment options, diagnosis, and available home remedies for irregular periods women can take proactive steps to manage menstrual health and seek the right medical care when necessary.

You should note that a regular menstrual cycle indicates overall reproductive health and as you address irregularities promptly, it can help ensure optimal well-being.

You need not joke when you find out that your menstrual flow has not been regular for quite a long time.

Take prompt action to correct it to avoid experiencing the worst situations where surgery might be the only option.


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Inna Lizbeth
Inna Lizbeth
Apr 28
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

What a nice article. Keep up the good job

Collins k.k Boateng
Collins k.k Boateng
May 02
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thanks very much

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