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  • Writer's pictureCollins k.k Boateng

How To Manage An Abusive Partner

Updated: Jun 12

Abuse, Abuse, Abuse. Do you know of abuse? What is abuse in a relationship?

Is your partner of the habit of insulting or beating you in any misunderstanding?

Do you want to know how you can manage your abusive partner? This article is for you.

So many people are suffering in toxic relationships but do not know which decision to take.

Relationships might have some downs but in all partners need to be happy.

However, if your relationship is not offering you the happiness you seek but always subjects you to abuse of any kind, I will advise you not to even blink your eye until you are done reading this article.

It is really painful to realize that the one who promised you heaven is the one acting like the devil pulling you to hell.

Sometimes you feel like opting out, other times you take it as a trial in a relationship and that they will repent at the right.

Again, you feel like you love them and do not want to let them go.

If you want to know how you can manage your abusive partner be it male or female, you need to read this article to the end.

This article will detail you on how you can manage an abusive partner in a relationship.

You will surely save your relationship and yourself after practicing what this article says. Here we go:

Who Is An Abusive Partner?

An abusive partner is a person in a relationship who poses a sexual, psychological, verbal, or physical threat to the opposite partner.

This partner frightens, hurts, terrorizes, or manipulates the other partner.

An abusive partner can be a male or a female but the majority are males.

If you starve your partner in any way like food, money, food, or even attention, you are abusing the other party.

It is challenging managing an abusive partner in a relationship but do not worry I’ve got you covered.

I have provided in this article how you are going to manage and protect yourself from an abusive partner. Here we go:

How To Manage An Abusive Partner ( Steps To Protect Yourself From Abusive Partner)

How To Manage An Abusive Partner In A Relationship

When you follow the steps and guide below you will cry no more.

You will be protected from your abusive partner and be able to live an abusive-free relationship. Here we go:

You Need To Recognize The Signs Of Abuse

You must try as much as possible to educate or abreast yourself with various forms of abuse like verbal, physical, sexual, and financial abuse.

Sometimes some abuse comes in a disguised way in a form like love or care that can hardly be noticed and so therefore it is very necessary to be aware of the cautionary signs.

You Should Set Personal Boundaries

 Sometimes these abusive partners can cause the abuse just because you have not set any personal boundaries.

You need to establish very clear boundaries with your partner on behaviour that is acceptable and those that are not.

Ensure you effectively communicate your boundaries assertively and consistently. Never slack.

You need to enforce the consequences when they get violated.

Seek Support

When you are in an abusive relationship, sometimes you cannot bear the emotional trauma alone.

You need to seek support from people you trust like friends, family members, and other support groups.

You cannot always bear it alone and as you get a support system, it can give validation and strength.

Engage In Safety Planning

You need to create a safety plan that outlines steps you can employ to protect yourself in case of escalation of violence.

Safety steps involve locating a safe place to run to, having emergency contacts in the head, and also packing an emergency bag with important items.

Get A Document Abuse

You need to get the records of abuse incidents which should include times, dates, and brief yet detailed descriptions of what occurred.

You can even choose to record with your phone if possible. This document will be very important when you decide to seek legal protection from authorities.

You Need To Seek Professional Assistance

Sometimes it is very necessary to get help from a domestic violence advocate, therapist, or counselor who can offer specialized support and resources.

With this, you will get help to navigate your options to develop a plan for your safety as well as well-being.

You Should Explore Legal Options

In situations where you feel threatened in the relationship, you need to consider exploring legal alternatives like getting a restraining order.

A legal advocate or an attorney can offer assistance and guidance throughout the process.

You Should Practice Self-Care

One most important things to consider on this journey of toxic relationships is self-care.

You need to take very good care of yourself both physically and emotionally.

Cultivate yourself in activities that bring you joy and relaxation.

Do not forget to prioritize your health and well-being. In this difficult time, you must practice self-compassion.

You Should Know Your Rights

Sometimes having a little knowledge about your rights can go a long way to liberate you.

You need to familiarize yourself with your rights and options as a survivor of relationship abuse.

Several communities have the resources and organizations that are dedicated to supporting survivors of abuse and advocating for their rights.

You Should Consider Leaving The Relationship

You need to make your safety and well-being your utmost priority.

In case you feel the abuse is not going to stop or that your partner is reluctant to repent of his abusive treatment, then you must consider leaving the relationship.

You need to note that that it is not easy to leave an abusive relationship especially when the abusive partner is a male.

It is really dangerous so you need to seek support and plan carefully for this.

How Will I Know My Partner Will Be Abusive?

Before accepting to be part of someone's life or entering into a relationship with him or her, you need to study them for a while.

You will find out from the way they react to situations especially when they do not agree with your decisions.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can abusive partners change?

If you think your abusive partner will change for the better then you are dreaming.

The abuse will continue occurring and they will not consider stopping.

Abusive partners have deep emotional and mental problems and they do not think they are wrong.


You should note that your life and happiness are very important and do not condone abuse of any kind in a relationship.

You should note that you deserve to be treated with kindness, respect, and dignity in any relationship you find yourself in.

There is always help available for you so whenever you are in an abusive relationship you need to seek support from trusted people because you are not alone.

Friends, family, and support groups can assist you whenever you are traumatized or being abused.

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