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  • Writer's pictureCollins k.k Boateng

The Transformative Power Of Good Manners

Updated: Sep 5

Do you know that manners are important and are the building blocks of a good name and all relationships? What are manners? Do you know that manners can make or destroy you? This article offers you in-depth knowledge of manners. Keep reading.

Many people in the world are suffering because of the way they behave towards others.

Some are also privileged and have gone to higher heights as a result of the manners they portray towards others.

This article will guide you on the right track so you must read to the end.

In this article, we will delve into the meaning of manners, types of manners, the importance of good manners, the bad impact of bad manners, and also answer some frequently asked questions.

Article Focus

  • Manners

  • Types Of Manners

  • General Examples Of Good Manners

  • How Do We Build Good Manners In A Country?

  • What Are The Practical Tips To Good Manners

  • Importance Of Good Manners

  • How Bad Manners Manifest

  • Areas Of Life Bad Manners Can Affect

  • Examples Of Bad Manners

  • Disadvantages Of Bad Manners

  • Disadvantages Of Good Manners

  • The Transformative Power of Good Manners

  • What Are The Differences Between Good Manners And Table Etiquette?

  • Frequently Asked Questions

  • Conclusion



what are manners? Manners are social behaviors and habits that show respect, kindness, and consideration toward others.

It includes greetings, table manners, gratitude, apologizing, and simply saying sorry when you offend someone.

You will surely dance to its music when you do not tow to the lane of good manners. It simply means if you do not put up good manners you might have a problem with your relationship with others.

Manners are an important aspect of social relationships. They play an important role in building relationships with others.

Good manners impress people longer, build respect, and build a good environment, while bad manners can destroy all these things and bring negativeness in all these good factors.

For example, bad manners lead to confusion, offense, and conflict. In my article.

Continue reading to learn practical tips on how to cultivate good manners in various places.

Types Of Manners

There are many minor types of manners and they are grouped broadly into two. The two types of manners are:

  • Good Manners

  • Bad Manners

Good Manners

Good Manners

Good manners are essential social skills that can make a significant difference in various aspects of life such as personal and professional relationships, interactions with strangers, and overall social experiences.

Good manners need to be practiced in various places because they are necessary and their importance cannot be overstated.

In addition to the minor types of manners I stated in this article, there are other examples of important ways of showing good manners such as: saying please and thank you, respecting personal space, using proper table etiquette, listening actively, apologizing sincerely, and many more.

Several types of manners are important in different aspects.

Social manners such as greeting others and introductions are important in social meetings and events.

Table manners like the rules of dining, are essential when eating with others.

Business manners, including professional communication and conduct, are crucial in the workplace.

Cultural manners, such as respecting traditions and customs are important when interacting with people from different backgrounds.

General Examples Of Good Manners

The general ways one can exhibit good manners are:

  • Respecting the elderly and people in authority

  • Dressing decently

  • Helping the poor and the needy in the environment

  • Appreciation of culture and heritage among different tribes

  • Being polite

How Do We Build Good Manners In A Country?

Essential building relationships, showing respect, communicating effectively, avoiding offense, and creating a positive atmosphere are all ways of building manners in countries.

When we show good manners, we show our consideration for others' feelings and their needs.

This can also strengthen our professional, private, and educative relationships, creating a more peaceful and harmonious community.

What Are The Practical Tips To Good Manners

To practice good manners, it is important to practice active listening, use polite language and expressions, think of others' views and feelings, respect private space and boundaries, be punctual and reliable, using table manners is also important.

Dressing appropriately for the occasion and being mindful of differences between cultures and customs are also vital.

Good manners build strong relationships and are also referred to as the building blocks of all relationships.

Some practical tips for good manners include:

  • Always smile when greeting

  • Talk politely by using expressions like "please and thank you"

  • listen attentively and show interest in opinions

  • Be punctual

  • Use manners even when eating and respect dining rules

  • Dress properly when leaving for an occasion.

  • Respect different cultures and traditions.

By doing these, we can promote peace and harmony in the environment for us all.

Importance Of Good Manners

Practicing good manners promotes peace and harmony between people.

It requires much because some people try to underestimate your efforts but it is creditable when practiced.

  • It helps to build trust which strengthens a relationship.

  • It helps us to communicate positively.

  • It helps to avoid conflict and misunderstanding.

  • It helps us to earn a good name and rewards.

  • It helps us to earn respect and credibility from others.

  • It creates a peaceful environment

  • It shows sympathy for the needy

  • It encourages appreciation

  • It prevents conflict

  • People imitate your good behavior

  • It brings about self-control

  • It helps to open opportunities

  • It creates a good impact on you

  • It enhances safety

  • It helps with active listening

  • It shows respect for private space

  • It stops bad habits

  • It encourages humbleness and kindness

Bad Manners

Bad manners

This type of manners is the opposite of Good manners. They are the disrespectful behaviors shown in the environment.

Bad manners are not a good attitude we should encourage at all because it brings destruction.

How Bad Manners Manifest

Bad manners manifest in diverse ways and they are:


  • It is the usage of disrespectful language

  • Speaking offensively

  • Interrupting others while speaking or not listening at all

  • Mocking the poor and needy.

Non Verbally

  • Ignoring the elderly while speaking or walking out of them.

  • Showing disinterest by crossing legs or arms.

  • Rolling or sighing eyes when being talked to

In Behavior

  • Being late or unreliable consistently

  • Not showing respect for privacy

  • Not showing appreciation for things done for you


  • Sending disrespectful messages

  • Not responding to important family messages

  • Sharing private information about people you do not know

  • Cyber-bullying

Areas Of Life Bad Manners Can Affect

Bad manners can have negative effects on our lives in the following areas;

  • In a relationship

  • Professional areas

  • Socially

  • In family

Examples Of Bad Manners

Examples of bad manners were already listed but here are more.

  • Not respecting elders or authority figures

  • Not behaving properly.

  • Lack of using polite expression

  • Irresponsibility

  • Inappropriate dressing

  • Ignoring rules and regulations

Disadvantages Of Bad Manners

Practicing bad manners results in these factors:

  • Destroyed Relationship

  • Punishment

  • Bad name

  • Difficulty in communication

  • Destroying peaceful environment

  • Losing chances and opportunities.

Disadvantages Of Good Manners

Surprisingly, good manners have their disadvantages. They are few but they affect us potentially. They include;

  • Difficulty in changing behavior

  • It consumes time

  • It becomes difficult to express emotions

  • Misunderstanding good manners shown

  • It brings stress

It is important to balance between good manners and being real or showing your emotions.

What Are The Differences Between Good Manners And Etiquette?

Good Manners:

  • Refers to a person's inherent kindness, respect, and consideration for others .

  • Involves being polite, courteous, and thoughtful in everyday interactions.

  • Focuses on the attitude and spirit behind one's actions.

  • Example: Holding the door open for someone or offering a smile


  • Refers to a set of rules and guidelines for social behavior.

  • Involves following established protocols and conventions in specific situations.

  • Focuses on the external actions and behaviors.

  • Example: Using formal table settings, addressing people with titles, or following dress codes

In short, good manners come from within, while etiquette is about following external rules. Good manners are about being kind and respectful, while etiquette is about doing things the "right" way.

Frequently Asked Questions

What other synonymous word can we use instead of Manners?

Another word that can be used to replace manners is method or mean. It refers to the mode of doing something.


Manners are like two-edged swords. It cuts both left and right.

You need to tow to the lane of good manners rather than veering into bad manners because each has an effect at the latter end.

Manners are an important aspect of social interaction and it makes up behaviors.

They can importantly affect our relationships and experiences.

By understanding the importance of good manners and practicing it, we create a respectful community for everyone.

As we interact with others in our personal and professional lives, let's show good manners and make up a peaceful and harmonious society considerably.

In all, it provides guidelines for good practicing manners. The article implies that manners should be practiced in every place and even in every situation you find yourself.

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