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  • Writer's pictureCollins k.k Boateng

Gonorrhoea: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment And More 

Are you feeling discomfort with your reproductive organs? Are you a male or female suspecting Gonorrhoea infection? Continue reading.

If you are experiencing some symptoms in your system which you think maybe that of Gonorrhoea but are not sure of, this article is for you.

Gonorrhoea is one of the popular and most common Sexually Transmitted Diseases among both genders.

If you want to know more about Gonorrhoea then let me first take you through what this article will cover.

The Article Will Cover

·        Gonorrhoea

·        Causes of Gonorrhoea

·        Signs and Symptoms of Gonorrhoea in Men

·        Signs and Symptoms of Gonorrhoea in women

·        How to treat Gonorrhoea

·        Testing and diagnosis of Gonorrhoea

·        How  to prevent Gonorrhoea


Now let us delve into the details of what the article will cover about Gonorrhoea and we will begin with:


Gonorrhoea which is normally shortened as ‘Gono’ is one of the most common STDs among both genders.

It is an STI that is caused by the bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoeae which is globally a public health concern. 

This bacterial infection affects the genital, rectal, and throat areas. This STD is well known globally with millions of cases that are reported every year.

The bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoea responsible for Gonorrhoea thrives better in moist and warm parts of the body hence making the genital tract a perfect breeding ground.


How Can One Get Gonorrhoea ( Causes)?

One may wonder how he or she can contract Gonorrhoea so that they can prevent themselves from contracting this dangerous STD.

Primarily, Gonorrhoea is transmitted through unprotected sexual intercourse with a person or an infected partner and it can be transmitted via vaginal, oral, or anal sex.

Sometimes the infected person might not experience any signs or symptoms but still, the infection can be transmitted between sexual partners who engage in unprotected sex.

One most pathetic things about Gonorrhoea is that an infected mother might pass the infection to her new-born baby during delivery.


Signs And Symptoms Of Gonorrhoea In Men

When you get Gonorrhoea as a man or a male the signs and symptoms below are what you may experience. They are:

·        Urethral Discharge

·        Painful Urination

·        Testicular Pain

·        Rectal Symptoms

Now delving into the details we first go by:


Urethral Discharge

As a male, for you to personally realize that you have been infected with Gonorrhoea one most common symptoms is a white, yellow, or greenish discharge from the penis.


Painful Urination

Men infected with Gonorrhoea normally experience a burning sensation when urinating and this is indicative of inflammation of the urinary tract.


Testicular Pain

Sometimes also the Gonorrhoea infection may spread to the testicles and this causes pain and discomfort emanating from the testicles.


Rectal Symptoms

If you are the kind who loves to engage in receptive anal sex might experience rectal symptoms such as discomfort, itching, and discharge.


Signs And Symptoms Of Gonorrhoea In Women

In women as well, if you are infected with Gonorrhoea you may experience the following symptoms:

·        Vaginal Discharge

·        Painful Urination

·        Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID)

·        Rectal Symptoms

Now let us delve into the details:


Vaginal Discharge

Women with Gonorrhoea infection sometimes may realize an increase or change in vaginal discharge which might be yellow or green.

It may smell very fishy making you feel discomfort as a woman.


Painful Urination

Just as in men, an infected woman will experience a burning sensation or pain when urinating.

This symptom normally takes a while before women start to experience this.


Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID)

If a woman gets infected with gonorrhoea and does not treat it, it may result in PID, hence causing fever, abdominal pain, and as well potentially serious complications.


Rectal Symptoms

When a woman loves to engage in receptive anal sex, it may develop symptoms like discomfort and rectal discharge.

Knowing the signs and symptoms of Gonorrhoea lets us as well know how we can treat Gonorrhoea.

How To Treat Gonorrhoea

Gonorrhoea is curable. Prompt and appropriate treatment is critical to manage and finally kill out Gonorrhoea.

When you get infected be it a male or female, antibiotics are the soldiers to battle the infection.

Some of the most commonly prescribed antibiotics are azithromycin and ceftriaxone.

However, it is best to adhere to the advice of healthcare providers to complete the prescribed course of antibiotics.


Testing And Diagnosis Of Gonorrhoea

When it comes to testing and diagnosing Gonorrhoea, it involves laboratory analysis where a urine sample is taken or a swab from the area has been infected.

As well routine testing is best for people who engage in illicit and unprotected sexual intercourse, especially in the case of multiple partners.


Prevention Of Gonorrhoea

An image depicting the steps to take in order to prevent Gonorrhoea

As you usual prevention is always better than cure. Let us delve into how we can prevent Gonorrhoea. To prevent Gonorrhoea:

·        You Need To Practice Safe sex

·        Regular Screening

·        Limiting Sexual Partners

·        Communication


You Need To Practice Safe Sex

When you are engaging in sexual activity, especially with a partner you can’t trust, you need to consistently and appropriately use condoms as this will significantly reduce the risk of Gonorrhoea infection.


Regular Screening

When you make it your routine to do STI screening, especially if you are someone with more than one sexual partner.

This is very important and will let us detect and treat Gonorrhoea at the early stage.


Limiting Sexual Partners

If you want to prevent STIs like Gonorrhoea, then it is very necessary and crucial to avoid multiple sex partners.

You need to reduce the number of sexual partners you have to reduce your risk of exposure to STIs like Gonorrhoea.



Communication is very important in relationships and sexual encounters are no different.

If you want to avoid getting Gonorrhoea, you and your sexual partner should open an honest communication about STD testing to check your status to prevent the spread of Gonorrhoea infections.


What if I do not treat Gonorrhoea for a long time? What will happen to me? This question leads us to the next sub-topic which is:


Complications And Long-Term Effects Of Gonorrhoea

If you get infected with Gonorrhoea popularly called Gono and you do not treat it for a longer period, it can lead to very severe complications such as infertility, pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), and an increased risk of HIV transmission.

Pregnant women with Gonorrhoea can transmit the infection to their new-born babies during childbirth and this can cause eye infections that may finally lead to blindness or impaired vision.


A Table Summarizing Gonorrhoea Signs And Symptoms, Causes, An More



Causes (Mode of Transmission)

- Causative Agent: Treponema pallidum

- Transmission: Unprotected sexual intercourse (vaginal, oral, anal)

- Mother-to-Baby: Transmission from an infected mother to her new-born during childbirth

Signs and Symptoms in Men

- Urethral Discharge

- Painful Urination

- Testicular Pain

- Rectal Symptoms

Signs and Symptoms in Women

- Vaginal Discharge

- Painful Urination

- Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID)

- Rectal Symptoms

Treatment of Gonorrhoea

- Curable with antibiotics (e.g., azithromycin, ceftriaxone)

- Adherence to prescribed antibiotic course is crucial for effective treatment

Testing and Diagnosis of Gonorrhoea

- Laboratory analysis of urine sample or swab from an infected area

- Routine testing is recommended for individuals with multiple sexual partners

Prevention of Gonorrhoea

- Practice Safe Sex: Consistent and correct condom use to reduce the risk of Gonorrhoea infection

- Regular Screening: Routine STI testing, especially for those with multiple sexual partners

- Limiting Sexual Partners: Reducing the number of sexual partners to minimize the risk of exposure to Gonorrhoea

- Communication: Open and honest communication about STD testing with sexual partners to prevent the spread of infection

Complications and Long-Term Effects

- Infertility

- Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID)

- Increased risk of HIV transmission

- Transmission from pregnant women to newborns during childbirth, causing eye infections and potential blindness



Frequently Asked Questions

How long can an infected person live with Gonorrhoea without noticing any symptoms?

When one gets infected with Gonorrhoea, it takes between 1 to 2 weeks for symptoms to show. 

However, some infected people may not experience any signs or symptoms for some months, especially in women.


Gonorrhoea is among the most dangerous STDs and so must not be taken for granted.

Make sure you use a condom when you do not trust your sexual partner.

Try as much as possible to reduce your sexual partners and as well go for regular check-ups to protect yourself against STIs.

Avoid self-medication and seek professional medical care.

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Alex Adjei
Alex Adjei
Jan 15

Gonorrhea is a very painful infection especially among men.

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