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  • Writer's pictureCollins k.k Boateng

Exploring The Goron Tula Potentials On Reproduction: Using Goron Tula To Boost Fertility

Are you battling with fertility issues? Do you want to know how you can use Goron Tula to boost fertility?

Your last-stop hub for acquiring knowledge on how you can use Goron Tula to boost your fertility is here. Continue reading this article.

Goron Tula also known as the Silky Kola is a popular shrub fruit known to have the ability to boost fertility.

It has properties that work effectively on fertility.


What Is Fertility?

When we talk of fertility, we are referring to the ability of living things to bear offspring.

When it comes to humans, in particular, it is the natural power given to humans to be able to bring forth babies.

However, it’s not everybody that can bear babies and that is when Goron Tula becomes very important in this case. Fertility is very important in the life of every human.

In our setting, if you fail to bear offspring, society becomes unhappy about it and even you as a person will not be happy or okay about your situation.

But there is hope. One well-known remedy for infertility is using Goron Tula.

Goron Tula has the fertility boosting ability so you need not fret anymore.

Goron Tula corrects infertility in both males and females in the areas of sperm quality, ovulation, and hormonal balance and extends to the general reproductive well-being.

The natural obligation is to be born and occupy the earth so it is very pathetic to see people struggling to resolve the issues of fertility.

What Exactly Is Goron Tula?

Goron Tula is one of the popular fruit-bearing shrubs in the western part of Africa.

It is also called the ‘’Silky Kola’’ and scientifically known as Azanza arcana.

Goron Tula has been used natively to enhance fertility in both men and women due to its richness in nutrients such as amino acids, vitamins A, C, and E, and antioxidants.

Since the natural obligation is to bear offspring to occupy the earth, what makes some individuals infertile? Let us find out below.

Causes Of Infertility

There are so many factors that cause infertility. If you are wondering why some people are as fertile as others are struggling with fertility issues, then consider reading below.

Your Lifestyle And Health

One major factor that affects the fertility of a person is their lifestyle and health. You may ask how.

Okay so when your lifestyle is not worthy of living such as too much alcohol intake, smoking excessively, malnutrition, and others, you might cause your natural ability to produce babies to diminish.

When you have health complications such as obesity, and chronic illnesses such as STDs, you might not be able to procreate.

Hormonal Imbalances

One major thing that plays a major role in the fertility of women especially is hormones.

If a woman has a condition such as PCOS which is polycystic ovary syndrome and or thyroid disorders, it can interfere with hormonal balance and render an individual infertile.

Reproductive Complications Or Disorders

Any condition that is not favorable for the reproductive system such as fibroids, blocked fallopian tubes, endometriosis and several others can disrupt a person from conceiving and this is particularly female-related.


Age is one factor that naturally catches up with people especially women and renders them infertile.

Usually, when a woman gets to her menopausal stage, it is not possible for her can get pregnant and give birth unless there is an extraordinary cause to that.

As a woman ages, the quality and quantity of eggs produced reduces rendering her infertile at that age especially from age 50 years and above.

How Does Goron Tula Work To Improve Fertility?

When you want to boost your fertility naturally, do not bypass Goron Tula because it can boost your fertility.

If you are seeking how Goron Tula works to promote fertility in both men and women, read on:

Goron Tula Balances Hormones In Both Males And Females

Goron Tula contains nutrients that play a vital role in regulating hormones that are responsible for female ovulation and male sperm production.

When these hormones are balanced there is a high probability of conception.

Goron Tula Protects Reproductive cells

There are effective antioxidants in Goron Tula that aid in protecting reproductive cells from being damaged and oxidative stress.

Goron Tula is a very powerful fruit for the human reproductive system.

Goron Tula Offers Nutrient Support

This powerful fruit contains very important nutrients like vitamins that give nourishment to the body's system and offer support to its best functioning.

When the body is functioning well, it gives rise to fertility boosting.

How To Use Goron Tula To Boost Fertility

How to eat Goron Tula to boost fertility

There are several ways you can take in Goron Tula to help promote fertility. Read below to find out.

If you want to use Goron Tula to boost your fertility, you can:

  • Eat it as a fruit or in form such as salads and smoothies

  • Put it in a hot water and consume it as a herbal tea

  • Dry it in the sun and grind it into powder and then consume it in any form of recipe you wish

  • Extract oil from the fruit seeds and use it as a lubricant during sexual intimacy.

Precautions To Be Taken When Using Goron Tula To Treat Fertility

No matter how powerful Goron Tula can be in the course of treating infertility, you need to exercise caution when incorporating Goron Tula.

You must not abuse it since too much of everything is bad.

It is very advisable to consult a healthcare provider before you use Goron Tula to boost your fertility.

You need to ensure that you get the Goron Tula from a very reliable source and also it is quality.

In case you are allergic to Goron Tula, please do not use it. You should seek medical help before you include Goron Tula in your dieting routine.

If you are a pregnant woman you need to avoid Goron Tula unless of course recommended by your healthcare provider.

What Other Herbs Can Increase Fertility?

Several other herbs can help boost fertility aside from Goron Tula and they are as follows:

  • Maca Root

  • Red Raspberry

  • Chaste Tree Berry

  • Tribulus

The above herbs also boost fertility in both males and females.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who can not take Goron Tula?

Everyone can take Goron Tula except pregnant women and people who are allergic to it. Such people should seek medical advice before taking Goron Tula.


Goron Tula is a fruit common in West Africa. It has vitamins C, Vitamin E, amino acids, antioxidants, and more that are good for the body and help boost fertility in both men and women.

If you are a pregnant woman, you need to seek counselling from a healthcare specialist.

If you are allergic to Goron Tula, you should also seek medical advice.

Let this article that covers all you need to know about Goron Tula boosting fertility be your guide when using Goron Tula to boost your fertility. Be fruitful and multiply.


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