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  • Writer's pictureCollins k.k Boateng

Exploring The Dangerous Disadvantages Of Tiger Nuts

Updated: Apr 10

Have you ever thought tiger nuts have disadvantages? Do you usually take in tiger nuts?

What purpose do you take tiger nuts for? If you want to know the dangers associated with tiger nuts continue reading.

Sometimes I become very sorry when I try to bring to light the dangers associated with someone’s favorite.

You know when I found out the dangers of tiger nuts I was taken aback because I so much love tiger nuts.

However, the fact that I love something does not mean I should overlook its negative side.

I know someone out there also loves tiger nuts and might be displeased to realize the dangers of tiger nuts but it is best to know rather than not to know at all. Let us first delve into the content of the article.


  • About tiger nuts

  • Dangers of tiger nut consumption

  • Can diabetic patients consume tiger nuts?

  • Which is the recommended dosage for tiger nuts?

Without wasting much time let us delve into the details of the article.

About Tiger Nuts

A tiger nuts

Tiger nuts are very popular edible tubers that are from a Sedge plant known as Cyperus esculentus.

Tiger nuts are good for several culinary uses due to their possession of sweet taste and nutty flavor.

It has been used for several purposes dating back hundreds of years.

When you come to Africa it is very common, especially in West Africa. Other parts of the world now are also planting tiger nuts to explore their uses and importance.

Tiger nuts are also known as earth almonds. You can also choose to call it chufa.

It has several health benefits for both males and females, pregnant women, and those battling fertility issues.

Tiger nuts are rich in calcium, phosphorus, vitamins, and other powerful nutrients.

However, it has its dangerous sides too. You need to read to the end to know more about the other side of tiger nuts.

Dangerous Disadvantages Of Tiger Nuts Consumption

Everything that exists under the sun has two phases. The positive phase and the negative phase.

Concerning tiger nuts, we have already delved into the benefits (positive) phase so with this article we will delve into the dangerous disadvantages of tiger nuts (negative) that we must be aware of.

I will highlight the disadvantages of tiger nuts. Knowing the dangers associated with tiger nuts does not scare you from taking them but rather offers you cautionary information that will guide you not to abuse them.

Tiger nuts which are just like any other fruit also have their downsides and without wasting much ado here we go:

You May Have Allergic Reactions

Some people after consuming tiger nuts may have allergic reactions. This reaction is not common but allergic responses might be difficulty in breathing or itching.

In case you suspect such a reaction after taking tiger nuts then it is advisable to seek an allergist for guidance.

Probable For Fungal Contamination

Sometimes the environment where tiger nut products are processed or kept becomes favorable for fungal growth.

This leads to contamination of the tiger nuts or their products by mycotoxins or molds.

You need not to just buy tiger nuts from just any vendor. You must make sure you are buying from a reliable source.

Check the environment very well for hygiene before opting to buy your tiger nut to prevent fungal contamination.

Tiger Nuts Causes Overweight

There is a high content of calories in tiger nuts. This makes consuming tiger nuts in high quantities bring about excessive weight gain.

You know calories increase the body’s weight and hence when you consume tiger nuts in large quantities especially when not balanced with a healthy lifestyle and dieting might contribute to excessive weight gain.

Tiger Nuts Hinder The Absorption Of Minerals

Tiger nuts contain phytic acid which hinders certain minerals like zinc, calcium, and iron from being absorbed into the bloodstream hence making the body lack this vital mineral.

It is advisable to soak them for a while before you consume them so that the phytic acid in them will be reduced to absorption of minerals for the body’s proper function.

Tiger Nuts Can Cause Kidney Stones

Tiger nuts possess an amount of oxalate which is a compound that contributes to the formation of kidney stones.

To play the safe side, if you have a history of kidney stones or are at risk of it, it is ideal to minimize the intake of tiger nuts or even stop taking it all.

Tiger Nuts Can Cause Bloating, Diarrhoea, Or Gastrointestinal Discomfort

Fiber is good for the gut and tiger nuts have a high amount of fiber.

Excessive intake of tiger nuts may lead to diarrhoea, bloating, or gastrointestinal discomfort.

To be on the safer side, you need to include fiber-rich food into your diet gradually.

Table Containing The Summary Of Tiger Nuts And Its Dangerous Disadvantages




Tiger Nuts

Scientific Name

Cyperus esculentus

Other Names

Earth Almonds, Chufa

Culinary Uses

Popular for their sweet taste and nutty flavor; widely used in various culinary preparations.

Historical Significance

Used for centuries, particularly common in West Africa; gaining popularity in other parts of the world.

Health Benefits

Rich in calcium, phosphorus, vitamins, and other nutrients; beneficial for males, females, pregnant women, and those with fertility issues.

Allergic Reactions

Some individuals may experience allergic reactions such as difficulty in breathing or itching; consult an allergist if suspected.

Fungal Contamination

Environmental conditions may lead to fungal contamination, causing the presence of mycotoxins or molds; buy from reliable sources and ensure hygiene.

Weight Management

High-calorie content may contribute to excessive weight gain if consumed in large quantities without a balanced lifestyle and diet.

Mineral Absorption

Contains phytic acid, which may hinder the absorption of minerals like zinc, calcium, and iron; soaking before consumption can reduce phytic acid levels.

Kidney Stones

The presence of oxalate may contribute to the formation of kidney stones; individuals with a history or risk of kidney stones should limit consumption.

Gastrointestinal Discomfort

High fiber content may lead to bloating, diarrhea, or gastrointestinal discomfort if consumed excessively; gradually incorporate into the diet.

Can Diabetic Patience Consume Tiger Nuts?

According to research, these tuber nuts have a low glycemic index which means that they can regulate blood sugar levels to normal.

They are very beneficial to diabetic patients. Tiger nuts do not have much impact on blood sugar levels and therefore diabetic patients can moderately consume them.

Although tiger nuts have a low glycemic index, they also contain carbohydrates that directly affect blood sugar levels.

If you are a diabetic patient you need to seek guidance from your doctor before including tiger nuts into your diet.

What is The Recommended Dosage For Tiger Nuts?

Too much of everything is bad and inadequacy is also not good so what quantity of tiger nut should one consume?

The amount of tiger nut a person should consume varies from person to person and depends on several factors like dietary requirements, overall health, and age.

However, moderately you need to consume tiger nuts as part of a varied diet.

 Ideally, the recommended dosage of tiger nuts to be taken a day is 28 grams. You need to know your body, pay attention to it, and try your best to adapt your consumption according to your needs.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can a lactating mother regularly consume tiger nuts?

Tiger nuts are good for lactating mothers but they should not just start incorporating tiger nuts when they are allergic to it or are at high risk of diabetes. They need to see a doctor for guidance before incorporating tiger nuts.


Tiger nuts are nut tubers that are edible and have a very sweet taste. They are consumed for various purposes such as improving gut health, enhancing skin nourishment, and more.

However, it also has its downside, which was discussed earlier in this article. Some dangers associated with tiger nut consumption are gastrointestinal discomfort, kidney stones, and more.

If you are a diabetic patient or a pregnant woman, you need to seek healthcare advice before incorporating tiger nuts into your diet.

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