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  • Writer's pictureCollins k.k Boateng

Exploring Love At First Sight: How It Can Lead To A Lasting Relationship

Have you had the experience of having Goosebumps upon meeting someone who is physically your spec?

How do you feel when for the first time you meet someone you feel you cannot just let go?

If you want to know whether love at first sight can lead to a successful relationship or not then you should continue reading.

When it comes to love, nobody can restrict when and where they want to love.

When the time comes the heart will overcome the brain and pump a special blood of emotions making you feel the perceived individual is your better part.

The idea of love at first sight has fascinated most people for many centuries.

However, can this instant connection lead to lifelong commitment such as marriage? Continue reading to know more about love at first sight.

Read this article to the end to know how you can nurture love at sight into a long-term relationship or even marriage.

How Love At First Sight Feels

Love At First Sight

Love at first sight is awesome and it makes you feel you have met an angel of your life.

At this moment you feel you can never let this person go so you do anything to get connected to this person.

Below is how one feels about love at first time and how you can nurture it into a long-term relationship or better, marriage.

The Ignition Of Instant Connection

 Love at first sight is usually seen as an intense, instant attraction you get toward a person upon meeting them for the first time. This feeling seems very possessing making you feel very extraordinary.

It is as if a spark is igniting between you two, hence, drawing you together in a very magnetic and powerful way.

That feeling makes you unstable at the moment especially when in public.

You try to steal a glance at the least opportunity and always want to overdo things to impress your crush. This is a result of the instant ignition of connection.

The Rush Of Emotions

This emotion rushes down your spine and then throughout your body changing your chemistry.

Love at first sight is a whirlwind of emotions, moving from excitement and infatuation to a deeper sense of connection.

It is a rollercoaster of great feelings that can leave a long-term impression.

The Sweet Imaginations

When you meet a person and then your heart skips a beat all because you feel some kind of connection, which we term love at first sight.

It usually occurs when you are close to this angel, you tend to imagine amazing stuff, especially your prospective happy moments, how marriage will be joyful for the two of you, and other thrilling stuff.

I tell you if you have experienced this before, you will agree with me on how it feels.

How To Nurture Love At First Sight Into A Long-Term Relationship Like Marriage

When that feeling of not wanting to lose your crush comes, you become very obsessed about how you can maintain him or her and end up in a relationship, especially marriage.

You start having dreams about the two of you being happy together and other stuff that gives you hope that you are perfect for each other.

Here are some confirmed ways you can begin and nurture love at first sight into a lasting relationship.

You Need To Build A Strong Foundation

If you want your love, at first sight, to grow into a serious and lasting relationship, you need to ensure that the foundation or the basics of the relationship you want to begin is strong.

You should note that, although love at first sight might feel magical and magnetic building a long-term relationship needs more than a mere initial spark.

It is very crucial to take your time to get to know each other very well.

Get to build trust, and develop a strong foundation from shared values and mutual respect.

Know How To Navigate Challenges

Life itself is full of challenges and relationships are no exception.

The relationship that is built from love at first sight also has its challenges and to navigate through it without allowing the challenges to break the relationship, both of you should put in conscious effort by communicating honestly and openly and with one accord to work through conflicts peacefully.

Appreciating Each Moment Spent Together

Appreciation is a very good virtue in relationship building. If you want your relationship that is formed from love at first sight to thrive well then you need to appreciate the time and good moments both of you shared.

Doing this will let you grow your relationship into a long-lasting one.

Can Love At First Sight Lead To Marriage?

Love at first sight is a beautiful experience. No one can determine whether a relationship from love at first sight can land in marriage or not.

However, if you both put in the conscious effort as discussed earlier in this article such as appreciating moments shared, mutual understanding and properly navigating through challenges with maturity, you are sure to have a lasting relationship that can lead to marriage.

Can Marriage Be Successful If One Party Is Not Putting Effort?

Marriage may or may not work if it solely depends on one party’s effort.

Whether that one who is putting in the effort is ready not to give up no matter what, then there will be challenges but there will be light at the end of the tunnel.

However, if he gives up, then the relationship is sure to collapse.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is love at first sight a genuine love?

Love at first sight is the beginning of a relationship. This is normally caused by infatuations and it is not a distinct love. Its outcome can be predicted because it is based on physical attraction.


Love at first sight is the beginning of a relationship and every relationship starts from somewhere but how far it will go depends on the effort the two parties will put in.

The feeling associated with love at first sight is so amazing and sweet. If you want it to work, you need to put in the effort.

Understanding each other, appreciating each other, and respecting each other can catalyse a beautiful and lasting relationship. ‘’Wish You a happy Love at First Sight’’.


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