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  • Writer's pictureCollins k.k Boateng

Delaying ‘I Do’: 10 Compelling Reasons Why Marrying Young Might Not Be The Best Choice

At what age would you love to marry if you are single? If you are married already too, how is the marriage now?

Is it actually about the age you got married that guarantees a successful or happy married life?

In this world that often romanticizes the idea of young love progressing to early marriage, it is very crucial to take into consideration the potential drawbacks before you take the plunge.

Though, there are lots of love stories that started earlier and yes of course ended up in a happy marriage. However, this approach might not be suitable for everyone.

Continue reading this article to the end to know the pressing reasons why marrying at an early age might not be favourable for you.


  • Reasons Why Marrying Young Might Not Be The Best Choice

Reasons Why Marrying Young Might Not Be The Best Choice

Image of young couples holding hand

Marrying earlier comes with its ups and downs. You need to consider a whole lot of stuff emotionally, psychologically, morally, and spiritually.

Marrying earlier, I mean marrying at a young age may exude excitement and haste but there are several things you need to pause and go over before deciding to tie the knot with a person from a different background.

Are you ready to tolerate the attitude of your partner that you are not used to? Are you ready to provide for two mouths 3 times a day and intermittent surprises, if you are a man?

These and many other questions of personal concern that you need to address before you decide concretely to tie the knot with your partner.

Let us look at some compelling reasons why you should not marry at a young age. They are:

  • Limited Life Experience

  • Immature Decision-Making

  • Career Aspirations

  • Educational Goals

  • Financial Challenges

  • Changing Priorities

  • Compatibility Exploration

  • Parenting Challenges

  • Higher Risk of Divorce

  • Lack of Emotional Maturity

Limited Life Experience

You see in life, the more you live the more challenges you get exposed to and the more experience you get to navigate through life challenges.

When you marry at a young age, it means you have limited exposure to the challenges of life hence hindering development and personal growth.

As a result, you might not be able to stand and take responsibility for the challenges that might emerge in marriage.

The next compelling reason is:

Immature Decision-Making

You need to realize that youthful impulsivity leads to hasty decision making and for that reason when you marry earlier, you may not be able to make proper decisions that will benefit you and your partner in the long run.

Some decisions may be taken in a rush without understanding the long-term effects.

Let us talk about the next one which is :

Career Aspirations

When you are aspiring to achieve a career goal in life, it is quite easier to do so before marriage without the added pressure of marriage. If you marry at an earlier stage you won’t be able to achieve that greater professional success you seek.

Educational Goals

Every individual will love to attain a higher educational goal unless of course otherwise. If you aim to achieve a greater educational vision it is best to do so before marrying since marriage comes with its challenges and aspirations which may counteract your ones.

Financial Challenges

Young people who marry earlier may go through financial struggles, as they may not have had enough time to establish stable careers which might bring income.

Changing Priorities

One thing most people haven’t realized is priorities and personal goals evolve in early adulthood, hence potentially causing strain on a marriage.

However, if you wait until these personal goals and priorities evolve before you enter into marriage, you will be able to balance them with your marriage life.

Compatibility Exploration

You see finding a compatible partner for marriage is not quite easy. It requires patience and persistence.

If you marry early, you might not have the ample time to explore and understand your compatibility with your potential life partners.

Since you are in haste, you will not even be able to take your time to study your partner to know if they fit in your compatibility or not.

Parenting Challenges

Parenting is one thing that is not for kids. Parenthood requires financial and emotional readiness.

This parenting responsibility may be one aspect of marriage that young couples may struggle with.

Higher Risk Of Divorce

Marrying earlier might guarantee a higher risk of divorce. Do you know why? Young couples might not have had the experience that can be used to navigate through marriage challenges.

Statistics indicate that young couples face a higher risk of ending their marriage in divorce.

Lack of Emotional Maturity

This aspect is very crucial in marriage. If you are not emotionally mature before getting married, you will not be able to handle the ups and downs of marriage. Emotional maturity generally develops with age and experience.

Other Reasons Why Marrying At Early Age Might Not Be the Best Choice

Aside from the elaborated reasons above, below are other reasons you should not marry at an early age:

  • Social Development

  • Personal Identity

  • Social Pressure

  • Limited Relationship Experience

  • Health Considerations

What Are The Advantages Of Marrying Late In Life?

When you marry late in life, you will have many life experiences to handle marriage complications. You may be financially stable and emotionally mature.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why do people fail to marry early?

Normally people go through several changes in their early life, especially in their 20s.When you marry early, there is a high risk of one day waking up to drastically change and feeling you and your partner have nothing in common and so want a different partner. This is where divorce sets in.


Although the article talked about the compelling reasons why marrying at an early age may not be the best option several people married at an early age but are enjoying their married life, a perfect example is my mom and dad.

However, you need to weigh the potential challenges associated with making an informed decision.

When you delay marriage, it allows for personal growth, exploration, and more. Stick to this guide for a happy marriage life.

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