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  • Writer's pictureCollins k.k Boateng

Communication In Relationship

Are you facing problems in your relationship? What is the cause? Are there communication issues?

You don’t have to worry anymore. This article has you covered. Keep on reading.

How nice it is when two partners are happy and sharing good moments. When communication in your relationship is at its peak, you will realize that love is a beautiful thing.

However, nothing lasts forever. There may be times when one party will slack maybe as a result of mood swings or external issues such as financial, family, or work wahala.

When any unprecedented occurrence hits anyone in the relationship, it might result in a break in fruitful communication. This usually has a greater impact on the female partner as men are sometimes strong to handle such upheavals.

In this guide, I will take you through communication in relationships and everything you need to know. Just follow closely and by the end of this article, you will be able to fire up communication in your relationship no matter the challenges life will present.


  • What is communication in a relationship?

  • Importance of communication in a relationship

  • Causes of bad communication in a relationship

  • Effects of bad communication in a relationship

  • How to improve communication in a relationship

Having known what this article will cover let us delve into the details of it without much ado. Let us start with the first content which is:

What Is Communication In Relationship?

Communication in relationship

When we say ‘’Communication in Relationship’’, we mean sharing of information through text, phone calls, physical contact conversations expressing yourself as the other listens and pays absolute attention and when necessary contributes meaningfully.

Communication is the backbone of every successful relationship. In this world, we all depend on each other for assistance and support and if communication is not well established, we may suffer one way or the other.

In a romantic relationship, communication is the most important ingredient to spice it up. Sometimes just being at peace with your partner and being able to express yourself freely makes you feel like you are in ‘’Heaven with an angel’’.

Let me take you up straight to the importance of communication in a relationship so that you can strive to foster fruitful communication with your partner.

Importance Of Communication In Relationship

If you have never experienced a blossoming relationship before, you will not understand the importance of communication but if you have, you will never underestimate good communication in a relationship.

Having good communication in a relationship entails being able to express yourself without fear of being misjudged and condemned.

However, your partner must listen attentively as you communicate and contribute constructively when necessary. Fast forward, below are the importance of communication in relationship:

  • Communication in relationships helps partners understand each other very well and do not jump to conclusions or misjudge their partners when there is a mistake.

  • In marriages and other intimate relationships, when there is a good communication terms, it fosters trust and reliability.

  • In a relationship where there is good communication, there is also peace of mind leading to success in every endeavour.

  • Good communication makes you an empathetic person. It helps you put yourself into the shoes of the other partner.

  • Good communication in a relationship helps resolve conflicts easily so long as each partner is ready to listen to the other conflict resolution becomes easier.

  • Good communication in a relationship brings about joint decision-making. When each party feels free to express themselves, it is very easy to make and arrive at a common decision.

Let us move straight to the Causes of bad communication in relationships and here we go:

Causes Of Bad Communication In Relationship

It is obvious that whenever there is bad communication something causes it.

So if anyone is naïve about the causes of bad communication in his or her relationship, continue reading this article. Below are the verified causes of bad communication.

When There Is a Lack Of Active Listening

When you become so focused on expressing your thoughts rather than being active in listening to the other partner. When it happens this way, it can result in misunderstanding and miscommunication.

If you want communication in your relationship to be fruitful, try as much as possible to listen to them when they are expressing themselves.

When There Is More Assumptions And Mind Reading

 When you just make predictions about what the other partner is feeling or thinking without seeking better clarification, it might lead to misinterpretation and bad communication.


When there is an issue and you start with blame games or defences it may lead to bad communication. When instead of accepting and resolving issues, you tend to play defence games, the other may feel attacked or criticized and might shut down preventing constructive communication.

Poor Nonverbal Communication

Nonverbal prompts like body language and facial expressions also play very significant roles in communication. If these prompts are ignored or misinterpreted, it can lead to ineffective communication and confusion.

Fear Of Conflict

When one partner fears conflict eruption communication gets affected hence resulting in suppressed and unaddressed concerns.

This avoidance of conflict hinders open communication and the resolution of underlying issues.

Having known some of the causes of bad communication in relationships, it is very important to delve into the effects of the causes on communication in a relationship.

Effects Of Bad Communication On Relationships

Bad communication has significant effects on relationships. Below are some negative effects of bad communication in relationships. Here we go:

  • When there is bad communication in a relationship, it leads to increased misunderstanding and conflicts. When there is a misunderstanding in a relationship, it makes the atmosphere within the relationship very negative, making resolving challenges very difficult.

  • Bad communication results in the erosion of trust and intimacy. In actual sense when there is bad communication, the trust foundation gets shaken, resulting in misunderstanding and several other havocs.

Intimacy is one aspect of the relationship that contributes to its fruitfulness. If intimacy is denied as a result of bad communication, the relationship will not flourish.

Emotional distance and dissatisfaction

When there is bad communication in a relationship, it leads to emotional distance and emotional dissatisfaction between the two partners. How are you going to be connected when there is ineffective communication in the relationship?

When the bad communication continues for some time, it may lead to a sense of disconnection and this may lead to an unfulfilling relationship and feelings of loneliness and isolation might as well, set in.

Bad communication has a very great negative impact on a relationship so it is very advisable not to allow it to thrive in your relationship. Try as much as possible to resist. Open up and honestly communicate things out.

How To Improve Communication In Relationship

When you realize that the communication in your

relationship is becoming boring or ineffective, you need to act fast to remedy it if you want your relationship to work. Below are some strategies you can adopt to improve communication in your relationship.

  • You need to engage in active listening during the conversation: Try as much as possible to inculcate the attitude of active listening as you give your full attention to your partner during communication. This enhances a sense of validation and fosters a deeper connection.

  • Try to express your feelings clearly: When expressing your feelings and thoughts, you need to do so clearly, openly, and honestly. Do not use accusatory language but use the ‘’I’’ to express your emotions and needs.

  • There should be regular Check-Ins: You should establish the habit of regular check-ins, discuss positive areas of the relationship, and identify areas that need improvement. When there is a space for open dialogue, partners can share their experiences and feelings and can work towards strengthening the relationship.

  • You need to seek professional support: if you face communication issues in your relationship that are beyond your repair you need to look for support from knowledgeable people like counsellors, and the elderly who you believe can offer support to resolve your communication problem.

My Partner Does Not Like To Communicate What Can I Do?

To deal with your partner who does not like communicating, you need to calmly express how you feel about their reluctance to communicate, you should also listen to their side of the story If they still do not want to open up, you should set boundaries.

Frequently Asked Questions

How important is communication in relationships?

Communication is very important in a relationship because it strengthens the relationship, and brings peace and freedom of expression without fear of being misjudged. It also strengthens the relationship for fruitfulness.


Communication in a relationship is very important as breaks all boundaries in unfruitful relationships.

It is very important to always try and fight bad communication in a relationship by opening up to each other, not misinterpreting the body language of your partner but being patient to confront them.

The article has provided enough ways you can follow to strengthen the communication in your relationship and employ them to reap the benefits of good communication in your relationship. Wish you a happy relationship.


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