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  • Writer's pictureCollins k.k Boateng

Causes And Symptoms Of Kidney Stones

Do you know the painful truth about kidney stones? Read this article to the end to discover all you need to know about kidney stones, including causes, symptoms, diagnosis, prevention, and more.

Imagine experiencing a sharp, stabbing pain in your side or back that refuses to subside.

You can’t sit, stand, or even move without feeling like you’re being pierced by a thousand knives.

This is the harsh reality of living with kidney stones. I have given you a picture of how it feels like to have kidney stones so that you will be able to follow the preventive and treatment methods in this article to safeguard yourself.

Have you been diagnosed with kidney stones? Do you know how victims of this condition feel?

Are you looking for how you can prevent yourself from this dangerous health condition?

Are you also looking for how you can treat kidney stones after being diagnosed positive?

This article is your savior because it is going to be your torch bearer in finding a solution to this kidney problem.

I will not waste much of your time as you are earnestly seeking a way out to protect yourself or even find the best treatment approach for kidney stones.

If you also want to know whether you have kidney stones or not you can patiently read for the symptoms.

Read this article to discover how you can prevent yourself from kidney stones, symptoms, causes, treatment approaches, and diagnoses. We will also address some frequently asked questions.

Article Focus

Kidney Stones

Kidney Stones

What are Kidney Stones? Some people do not know about this dangerous condition so it is ideal for me to let my readers know and understand so that they can take proactive measures.

Kidney stones also known as Nephrolithiasis are small, hard mineral deposits that form inside the kidneys when there is an imbalance of water, salt, and other substances in the urine.

They can be as small as the grain of sand or as large as a pea, but they can have a great impact.

A friend of mine’s father was diagnosed with kidney stone and I tell you the truth and I lie not, it is never a condition you should ever wish for anyone, not even your enemy.

He cries like a baby most of the time especially when he feels like pissing.

There are different types of kidney stones resulting from the causes.

I know you want to know the types and how they result in the body. Don’t worry read below.

Types Of Kidney Stones

Types Of Kidney Stones

There are several types of kidney stones. There are 4 types of kidney stones, each with their unique characteristics. Below are the types of kidney stones:

Calcium Stones

Calcium Stones are the most common type of kidney stones, which is often caused by excess calcium in the urine.

Moderating the intake of calcium foods can help prevent this type of kidney stones.

Uric Acid Stones

Uric Acid Stones are another type of kidney stone that is typically seen in people with gout or people who eat a high-meat diet.

If you want to protect yourself against Uric Acid Stones, then you need to reduce your intake of meat.

Cystine Stones

Cystine Stones are rare and usually inherited. These stones are caused by a genetic disorder.

Struvite Stones

Struvite Stones are a type of kidney stone that is more common in women. It is linked to urinary tract infections (UTIs).

So now having known the types of kidney stones, are you ready to know what causes them or what increases one’s chance of developing kidney stones?

Read below to have all the knowledge about the causes of kidney stones.

Causes And Risk Factors Of Kidney Stones

Do you know of the causes and risk factors of kidney stones? Are you aware that the causes and risk factors of kidney stones are not technical and beyond our control? We can easily safeguard ourselves against kidney stones knowing the causes and risk factors.

What then increases your chance of getting kidney stones? Read below:


Dehydration means not drinking enough water. Not drinking enough water can concentrate minerals in the urine, hence developing stones in your kidneys.


Dieting affects our health either positively or negatively. Too much consumption of sodium, sugar, and animal protein greatly contributes to developing kidney stones.

Family History

Family history plays a role in one having kidney stones. If your relatives have had kidney stones, then you’re more likely to develop them too.

Medical Conditions

Certain medical conditions like gout or kidney diseases can increase your risk of getting kidney stones.

Everything is 90% preventable when you get to know the causes and take proactive measures to protect yourself against it and so are kidney stones.

If you were ignorant about the causes before and you want to know whether you are having it or not then you need to read below for symptoms and diagnosis.

Symptoms Of Kidney Stones

Symptoms Of Kidney Stones

If you are skeptical about your status of kidney stones then read below for symptoms so that you can take urgent action to banter it the moment you find yourself experiencing and indicating signs and symptoms.

Kidney stones can be stealthy but when they strike, you will know it. The common symptoms of kidney stones are:

  • Severe pain in the side, back, or below the ribs

  • Nausea and vomiting

  • Painful urination

  • Blood in the urine

  • Pain that exudes to the groin and lower abdomen

  • Pink, red, or brown urine color

  • Foul-smelling urine

  • Frequent urination

  • Fever

Now how are kidney stones diagnosed? What processes are involved? Read below to find out.

How To Diagnose Kidney Stones

To diagnose kidney stones, your doctor or healthcare provider may perform the following:

  • Imaging tests (X-rays, CT scans, or ultrasounds) to locate the stones

  • Urinalysis to check for blood or infection

  • Blood tests to assess kidney function

Bear with your healthcare provider throughout the diagnosis process for effective diagnosis. I know you want to how you can get treatment after being diagnosed with kidney stones so read below.

Treatment Of Kidney Stones

Treatment Of Kidney Stones

After being diagnosed with kidney stones, I know you will want to how you can treat it and I’m here to help you with that.

Treatment options for kidney stones vary depending on the stone’s size, location, and type. Below are some common and easy ways to treat kidney stones:

Drinking Enough Water

One of the most common and easy ways to treat kidney stones is by staying hydrated. This can help flush out small stones.

Pain Management

The pains associated with kidney stones can be intense and taking medication can help alleviate discomfort in the course of treatment.


Larger kidney stones might require removal through minimally invasive procedures.

In any case, you need to seek counsel from your healthcare provider on the cause of treatment.

They can greatly offer support and assistance to treat you better.

How do I prevent kidney stones so that I do not go through all these processes of treatment and diagnosis? Read below

Prevention Of Kidney Stones

Prevention, they say is always better than cure. You can choose to live a healthy life by incorporating a healthy lifestyle.

This goes a long way to protect you against certain health problems which kidney stones are inclusive.

If you want to prevent yourself from developing kidney stones in the first place, then read below:

  • Drink plenty of water for at least 8 to 10 glasses a day

  • Eat a balanced diet low in sodium, sugar, and animal protein

  • Limit animal protein and foods high in oxalate such as spinach or beets

  • Stay active to improve blood circulation and reduce kidney stone risk

What Is The Fastest Way To Flush Out Kidney Stones Naturally?

To flush out kidney stones naturally without surgery or chemical medicines, then you need to drink enough water. Eight to ten glasses of water a day is sure to do the magic of flushing out kidney stones.

What Foods Can Help Cleans The Kidneys?

There are natural foods that have the potential to cleanse the kidneys.

You also need to source this food from the right vendor or farm. Make sure they are free from chemicals. These kidney-cleansing foods include:

  • Tofu

  • Fish

  • Broccoli

  • Pomegranate

  • Tomatoes

  • Leafy greens

What Foods Are Bad For Kidney Stones?

As there are foods that are good for the kidneys, there are other foods that are also bad for the kidneys and they include:

  • Beets

  • Spinach

  • Sweet potatoes

  • peanuts

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the most effective medicine for kidney stones?

The most common effective medicine that has been tested and approved to treat kidney stones is tamsulosin.  Tamsulosin relaxes the ureter, to make it easier for the stones to pass out.


If you’d asked me, I would have told you that one of the health conditions you need to joke with is kidney stones because my dear you will regret having it.

The kidney is one of the important and delicate internal organs that you need not joke with.

Kidney stones are painful and potentially debilitating conditions, but with the right knowledge and prevention strategies, you can reduce your risk.

Remember to stay hydrated, eat a balanced diet, and seek medical attention if you experience any symptoms.

Don’t let kidney stones take control – take control of your health.

This article from has covered all you need to know about kidney stones including symptoms, causes, prevention, treatment, diagnosis, risk factors, and more.

Whenever you need any insight on kidney stones you can reach out to us in the comment section and we will be glad to respond immediately because your health is our concern.

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