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  • Writer's pictureCollins k.k Boateng

What You Should Consider Before Engaging In Sex

Updated: Jun 12

It is rather pathetic to see most people engaging in sexual intercourse anyhow, especially the youth.

They engage in illicit sex even without protection all in the name of pleasure.

If you always nod positive to sex whenever the opportunity comes then you need to read this article patiently and attentively.

Are you in the habit of engaging in sexual intimacy with random ladies?

Do you also accept any sexual proposal from any guy? Keep on reading. Some people even do not care about where they engage in sex.

In this article, I will throw light on the various areas of life that sex affects so that before you agree to engage in it, you can take your time to consider the Pros and Cons and then make an informed decision.

Sexual Intercourse is a good thing if not the creator wouldn’t have brought it into existence.

If it were not sweet I’m not sure people would love to procreate.

It is a good thing and everyone must explore it so far as you are a living thing.

Even plants and animals enjoy sex. Just look at dogs and goats.

Plants also have sex which is why they can produce fruits and seeds.

The focus of this article is on sex among high-class animals, human beings to be precise.

When we talk of living things that abuse sex, then we are surely talking to humans.

Some human beings exhibit a higher percentage of their animal nature than any other aspect of their nature and that is very pathetic.

Whenever I hear of a person who engages in sex anyhow, I feel sad because it’s a whole lot of energy they are losing.

We have some people who just love to have sex with anybody they meet and anywhere.

Some also engage in ‘’threesome’’. That is either one guy enjoying two ladies at the same time or the other way around.

Some will be enjoying other people’s women even with married women.

Before you agree to engage in sexual intimacy with someone, you need to consider the spiritual, physical health, emotional, and mental effects that will result from the experience.

I will take you through all these so that you can make informed decisions whenever you want to engage in sex.


  • What is sex?

  • Crucial things you should know before engaging in sexual intercourse (physical effects, spiritual effects, mental effects, and emotional effects)

  • Benefits of sex physically, spiritually, mentally, and emotionally

I don’t want you to be in anticipation for long so let us delve into the details of the article content.

What Is Sex?

Sex can mean male or female but in this case, sex is an activity that involves the insertion and thrusting of the male penis into the vagina of a female for pleasure, money, stress release, or procreation.

These modern days, a higher percentage of people engage in sexual intercourse not because they want to procreate but for pleasure and stress release. Especially the youth.

Whenever you meet two opposite youth chit-chatting, in most cases it's about how one wants to lay the other to bed.

Sex is a good thing and it has lots of benefits.

However, there are certain crucial things you need to consider before agreeing to engage in sexual intercourse with anyone and that is what this article is focused on revealing so that people can be aware of the pros and cons to make informed decisions.

What You Should Consider Before Saying Yes To Sexual Intercourse

Before you say yes to sex know these

Do you know there are consequences associated with having sexual intercourse with different people? Most people love to engage in indiscriminate sex.

They are happy to have a high number of body counts. Little do they know that there are consequences attached.

A young guy wouldn’t mind traveling a long distance like several miles just to engage in sexual intercourse.

They do not know the negative effects involved in such sexual escapades.

Those who know also neglect it and compromise it for pleasure.

After reading this article, you should be able to consider these crucial things before you ever agree to engage in sexual intimacy with anyone be it of the same sex or the opposite.

You must consider the physical, spiritual, mental, and emotional effects upfront before hopping into the pleasure zone.

Physical Factors to Consider Prior to Engaging in Sexual Activity

One aspect of sexual intercourse that people are sometimes conscious of but usually neglect is the physical consideration.

If you do not take this aspect seriously you get yourself stuck in STDs and other related diseases.

Before you agree to engage in sexual intercourse you need to consider the physical bodily effect that might result after the sexual pleasure.

Youth of today do not consider this so they later regret their sexual escapades.

You need to consider physical appearance like the hygiene of the person and stuff.

Here are some physical considerations that you must adhere to before saying yes to sex.

Consider The Risk Of Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs):

People especially the youth fail to consider the fact that they can contract infections such as gonorrhea, HIV/AIDS, chlamydia, and syphilis.

I’m begging everyone who loves to have sex indiscriminately to first consider the implications after the sexual intercourse before saying yes to it.

Unplanned pregnancy

You need to consider the high possibility of unintended pregnancies that will result when you engage in sexual intercourse indiscriminately, especially without contraception.

The harsh condition you might go through especially when the guy denies the pregnancy.

Don’t let a moment of pleasure subject you to long-term struggles or hardships.

Consider Your Background And Morality

Are you financially capable? Were you brought up in such a manner of immorality?

Before you let your sexual urges control you, you need to let these ring bells in your ears.

Do you have the money to take care of yourself, a child, and a mother, or treat STIs when any of these presents themselves after your sexual escapades?

You need to consider these before having sexual intercourse with anyone anywhere.

Spiritual Considerations Before Sex

This is a very crucial aspect of sexual intercourse that only a few know about. It is one aspect that if neglected, your life will be very messy.

Any great man who ever fell was caused by a woman and any great woman who fell was also caused by a man.

You can’t ignore the spiritual aspect of sex-making and expect to be free.

Every person you meet has what follows them. It can be bad luck, curses, or if you are lucky blessings. You might not know this immediately after you meet them.

If you just meet a person and because of your sexual cravings and indiscipline you hop into sleeping with them you might get yourself into something that will make you regret it.

Below are some of the spiritual things you need to consider before you nod yes to sex.

Consider The Spiritual Background Of The Other Party

Of course, you might not have the eyes to see beyond the physical so all you need to do is have a second thought before jumping into any sexual intercourse.

Some people are agents of the devil sent to destroy and win souls into their kingdom. Do not forget to let this caution before accepting to engage in intimacy with anyone.

Consider Whether Your Religious Norms Permit Such Escapades.

Most people are religious and have religious norms and customs. If the way of life of your religion does not permit you to enjoy illicit sex, you need to abstain from it because the feeling of shame, and guilt after the intercourse might be too much for you to bear.

Emotional Consequences Consideration

It is unwise to neglect the emotional consequences that will be experienced after having intimacy with random people.

You might feel regret or a kind of emptiness after illicit sex.

The ‘had I known’ adage will be playing in your head and will wish it had never happened.

Why don’t you consider it before engaging in sexual intercourse to avoid this feeling of regret?

Mental health consideration

You shouldn’t just opt into any sex expedition without considering your mental health.

There are some people the moment you engage in intercourse with them, the aftermath is all of stress and trauma.

You need to consider if you will be able to handle the associated stress after sexual intercourse.

Some people try as much as possible to record you during the intercourse and then later blackmail you with it especially when you are a public figure or a person of substance.

This act depresses, stresses, and causes a level of anxiety to the person involved.

If you are not ready to handle this trauma, you need to consider this before you involve yourself in indiscriminate sex.

Is Sex Before Marriage Good?

sex before marriage works for some people. However, whether it is good or bad depends on individual preferences but ideally traditions demand that people must marry before engaging in sexual activities.

Frequently Asked Question

Can I wear a condom to engage in indiscriminate sexual intercourse?

yes, you can. However, even if you consider the physical aspect, you need to consider the spiritual and the other aspects as well which do not concern physical contact alone.

You can’t use a condom to protect your mental, emotional, and spiritual effects after indiscriminate sex.


Sex is a healthy natural and healthy aspect of human life. However, engaging in it indiscriminately without considering the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual consequences can pose dangerous risks to a person’s well-being and also might negatively impact the various aspects of life.

You need to consider the physical, spiritual, mental, and emotional effects that might result from sexual intercourse.

Some people had just one encounter with a stranger and that was the end of their financial capabilities. You should view sex as more than just a physical encounter.


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