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  • Writer's pictureCollins k.k Boateng

Top Reasons Why You Should Not Go Back To Your Ex

Updated: Jun 12

Do you miss your Ex? Do you want to get back to your Ex or does Your Ex want to get back to you?

Are you confused about whether you should accept your Ex back or not?

If you want to make a solid decision, please consider reading this article to the end to be able to make a concrete and informed decision.

Breaking up in a relationship is not an easy experience at all.

It is tough but sometimes, it is the best decision for both partners for peace to reign. What brought about the breakup?

Once in a while, you will feel the urge to re-unite with your ex and this urge can sometimes be so strong that you find it difficult to control.

There may be a playback of happy moments and stuff. Their memories will flood your minds especially a few days or weeks to months after the break-up.

It is not easy to forgo your ex after a break-up especially when they are expressing remorse and desiring to be back with a repented heart.

Before you will consider rekindling with your Ex, you need to consider the compelling reasons why you should resist the urge of re-uniting with them. Continue reading to find out.

This article lets you know the top compelling reasons why you shouldn’t rekindle with your ex after a break-up.

Top 5 Compelling Reasons Why You Should Not Re-Unite With Your Ex After Break-Up

Why You Should Not Unite With Your Ex After A Break-Up

Your Ex is your Ex and there is no doubt about that. You need to accept that fact.

We live to move forward or grow and not to go back. If you had a problem in your romantic relationship that couldn’t be resolved and ended in a breakup, you need to realize the fact that you couldn’t resolve it earlier and it escalated.

However, when you accept them back it will surely pop up and may even be fierce.

I have never seen anyone who has gone for their ex and had a better relationship afterward.

Read the convincing reasons below to know why there is no need to go back for or accept your ex. Here we go:

The Cause of the Break-Up May Persist

You need to realize that the issues that led to the break-up do not vanish magically just because you miss your ex.

Whatever the problem was trust, differences in value, or compatibility, these issues are likely to reappear if you get back together.

Awakening the relationship without addressing these underlying issues is just like covering a broken bone with a band-aid. The wound will be covered temporarily but can’t heal.

You Deserve Better Than Settling For The Past

It is said that a living dog is better than a dead lion. Let the dead relationship be in its grave as you explore a better one. People who always rely on past stuff usually do not progress.

Though it is very easy to romanticize the past and decide to only remember the good moments with your ex.

But you need to ask yourself if you want to settle for what didn’t work before.

My dear, you deserve to be in a relationship that offers joy and fulfilment and not one that is founded on nostalgia and familiarity.

When you accept your ex back, you might be depriving yourself of the chance to find a healthier and more promising relationship with another who will truly and genuinely accept and appreciate you for who you are.

Accepting your ex is blocking your chance for a healthier relationship.

You Need Enough Time To Heal And Grow

Break-ups are not easy to handle. They drain emotionally and it is very important to heal and grow from the experience completely.

It is not ideal to be in a new relationship a short time after a break-up not to even think of re-uniting with your ex.

Those of you who rush into a new relationship just to heal from your break-up, how far?

How does the new one go? When you jump back into a relationship with your ex too soon, it can prolong the healing process and prevent personal growth.

You need time to focus on yourself, rediscover your passion, and become the best version of yourself.

As you do those, you will be able to come out from the break-up stronger and more resilient, ready and capable of embracing new opportunities and experiences.

Rebuilding Trust Can Be Very Challenging

Trust is an unquestionable faith you have in someone or something.

It is the foundation of any strong relationship and the moment it gets broken, it can be very difficult to rebuild and even if it gets rebuilt, it can never be like before.

Let's say your break-up resulted from trust issues, accepting your ex or going back for them is trekking on a journey of trust from scratch.

This journey can be emotionally exhausting and might lead to more heartache in case trust is broken again.

I want you to ask yourself this question. Are you ready to invest the emotion, time, and effort needed to rebuild trust, knowing very well that success is not guaranteed?

You Risk Falling Into A Cycle Of On-Again, Off-Again Relationships

One funny thing is, that getting your ex back might seem like the right decision at the beginning.

You will develop all that you can to withstand the odds she portrayed in the past in case it repeats.

However, it could lead to a cycle of on-again, off-again relationships.

Every breakup and reconciliation takes a toll on your emotional well-being and might create a pattern of instability and uncertainty.

It would help if you had the willingness and courage to break free from the familiarity of the past.

As you resist the urge to accept your ex back, you are taking a proactive footstep towards breaking this cycle and creating a brighter future for yourself.

How You Can Resist The Temptation Of Accepting Your Ex Back After A Break-Up

If you want to know how you can resist the urge to go back to your ex after a breakup, follow the guide below:

  • You need to always remind yourself of the reason for the break-up and why it will not interest you to reconcile.

  • You should also surround yourself with friends and family members you trust to offer you support and guidance during this challenging time

  • You need to keep yourself busy with your hobbies, self-care practices, and activities that bring you fulfilment.

  • Try as much as possible to envision the kind of relationship you want and remind yourself that you will never settle for the past which may prevent you from achieving your vision.

  • You need to set boundaries with your ex to protect your emotional well-being and deter yourself from falling into the old pattern.

I Love My Ex But She Has Got Married What Can I Do?

If you love your ex but she has gotten married, you need to man up and move on.

Though there might be loving memories but you will need to let go and move on.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it good to consider getting back to your ex?

Sure, sometimes, partners can successfully rekindle the relationship and build a better relationship after deserting each other for some time apart to work on themselves and address the issues that led to the breakup.

However, it is very important to approach the reconciliation with caution and make sure your ex is also committed to making positive changes and trying to address the underlying issues.


Getting back to your ex might seem a good idea but it is very crucial to consider and reconsider the long-term consequences.

You need to set boundaries, focus on personal growth, and be very honest with yourself if you want and deserve to be back with your ex.

Remember, love is not located in just one person’s heart. You can get love anywhere so don’t let the past hit you again.

If you want to reconcile with your ex, make sure they are also ready to be back with you and as well be ready to work things out genuinely for the best but remember, it won’t be easy regaining trust.

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Collins k.k Boateng
Collins k.k Boateng
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nice and indepth

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