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  • Writer's pictureCollins k.k Boateng

Signs You’re Dating A Cheating Partner

Updated: Jun 12

Are you wondering about the recent change in attitude of your date?

Do you think your date is cheating on you? Fret not I will give you clear indications in this article whether or not he or she is a cheat.

It is really disturbing to be in a relationship where you find it difficult to trust your partner because of their recent change in attitude.

According to Sarah Nyamekye, A relationship expert, ‘’a cheating partner tends to be sweeter and shows more care so that you do not suspect them of cheating’’.

However, with this article, you will be able to realize whether your date is cheating or not.

Dating can be very exciting and as well fraught with uncertainty, especially when it comes to trusting your partner. 

The most common and biggest fear in any relationship is the possibility of infidelity.

A partner who is cheating can cause emotional pain and turmoil.

How can you be sure if your date is being unfaithful? Read this article to the end.

Read this article to find out the sure signs that your dating partner is cheating and not being faithful to you.

You will also get a better understanding of the word ‘’cheating’’.

What Is Cheating In A Relationship?

When we talk of cheating in a relationship, we are talking of engaging in romantic activities with another person outside the relationship other than your committed partner with or without their consent.

It involves physical, emotional, and sexual affairs or any activity that does not conform to the boundaries of the relationship. Cheating is not a good thing in any relationship.

You should at no point ever cheat in a relationship for any reason.

If you can’t move on with your partner just talk things out and if possible quit.

This act of disloyalty can cause betrayal and trust issues and significantly damage the relationship.

It is essential for both parties in the relationship to honestly communicate openly to establish clear boundaries to maintain trust and mutual respect in the relationship.

Signs You’re Dating A Cheating Partner

Clear Signs You’re Dating A Cheating Partner

When you observe these signs in your partner, do not just jump into picking a grudge with them or be at loggerheads with them.

Patiently start a dialogue with them to know why they are behaving in that manner.

From that dialogue, you will know whether they are cheating per your observation. Here we go with the sure signs:

When There Is a Sudden Change Of Behavior

Has your partner become more secretive, especially with their phones or computer usage?

Are they guarding their devices with unusual zeal? When such attitudes erupt, know that something fishy is going on.

Changes in the behaviour of your partner like becoming more secretive or distant are a pure red flag showing that your partner might be hiding something from you.

Over secretive is one major sign of a cheating partner.

When There Is Lack Of Transparency On The Side Of Your Partner

Open and effective communication is the backbone of any healthy relationship.

The moment your partner becomes defensive when you ask simple questions that demand simple answers about their whereabouts or activities, it could be that they are cheating and are not truthful.

Lack of transparency is a sure sign that your partner is cheating.

When There Are Unexplained Expenses

Are you having a joint finance account? Are you noticing unexplained charges on credit card statements or receipt purchases you weren’t aware of?

This could be a perfect indicator that your partner is spending money on someone else.

When There In Changes in Appearance

Though it is natural to yearn to look their best for their partner.

However, a sudden change in appearance could be a reason for concern.

When they begin to pay more attention to their appearance without any clear reason, it might be due to the reason that they are trying to impress someone else outside the relationship. This is an obvious sign that they are cheating.

Gut Feeling

Sometimes, your instinct knows more than you get to realize. If you have a nagging feeling that something is not going right in the relationship, you need not be negligent of it.

You must trust your intuition and pay close attention to any nagging doubts you may have.

Who Is A cheating partner?

A person who is committed to another person in a romantic relationship but engages in sexual activities with another person outside the relationship with or without the committed partner’s consent is a ‘’cheating partner’’.

How Does A Cheating Partner Behave In A Relationship?

A cheating partner is a liar. They lie about almost everything they do.

They lie about who they talk to on the phone, who they visit, and where they have been.

Frequently Asked Questions

What action should I take in case I suspect my partner is cheating?

First of all, if you suspect that your partner is cheating, most importantly, you need to address your concern honestly and openly.

You need to be calm and show respect in the course of the conversation while addressing your feelings and observations.

You can seek couples therapy to work through any issue together. But more importantly, you need to trust your instincts and also prioritize your emotional well-being.


Relationship is a beautiful thing and cheating is not an enemy of it. Some people say cheating is also part of the relationship which I disagree.

If you realize your partner is indicating any of the signs such as a sudden change in appearance, unexplained expenses, and more, you need to be patient to have a more respectful and calm conversation with them, in that sense they will be able to resolve it amicably.

You can also seek advice from counselors and therapists when the issue is beyond your strength to resolve. It is not always that break-up becomes an option for cheating.

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